This is a page from the 2025 Ontario general election.
Housing & Homelessness platforms
Here's what the candidates in Sarnia—Lambton, and their parties, are promising.We don't have any PC policies on Community services and libraries.
We don't have any Liberal policies on Community services and libraries.
We don't have any ONDP policies on Community services and libraries.
Home construction and supply
Standardise development study requirements across the province
Nathan Colquhoun
Independent candidate in your districtGreen
End mandatory minimum parking requirements for all new developments
Use taxes and incentives to encourage developers to build within existing neighbourhoods in towns and cities
Remove the Ontario Land Transfer Tax for first-time homebuyers, seniors downsizing, and non-profit homebuilders
Create a catalogue of pre-approved housing designs
Home purchases and ownership
Nathan Colquhoun
Independent candidate in your district-
I’ll fight to stop corporate landlords from hoarding homes and driving up prices
Remove the Ontario Land Transfer Tax for first-time homebuyers, seniors downsizing, and non-profit homebuilders
We don't have any ONDP policies on Home purchases and ownership.
Homeless services
Nathan Colquhoun
Independent candidate in your district-
I’ll advocate for housing-first solutions instead of policing encampments.
Immediately support people living in encampments with their housing and support needs until permanent housing solutions are built
Mandate standards to have safe, accessible, all-gender washrooms in all public spaces
We don't have any Liberal policies on Homeless services.
Housing prices
We don't have any PC policies on Housing prices.
Nathan Colquhoun
Independent candidate in your district-
I’ll push to end corporate real estate speculation that inflates housing prices.
Implement a provincial anti-flipping tax on quick turnaround sales
Reduce multi-residential building property taxes to bring them in-line with rates for single-family homes
We don't have any Liberal policies on Housing prices.
Public and affordable housing
We don't have any PC policies on Public and affordable housing.
Nathan Colquhoun
Independent candidate in your district-
I’ll fight for a massive expansion of public, permanently affordable housing.
Work with non-profits to build 250,000 new affordable non-profit and co-op homes
Work with Indigenous housing organisations to develop and fully-fund 22,000 for-Indigenous, by-Indigenous deeply affordable homes
Work with non-profits to build 60,000 permanent supportive homes with guaranteed funding for mental health, addictions, and other supports
Lease all public land suitable for housing to non-profits, co-ops, and community land trusts for permanently affordable housing at no cost
Remove HST on affordable housing units delivered by non-profits
We don't have any Liberal policies on Public and affordable housing.
Rental housing
We don't have any PC policies on Rental housing.
Nathan Colquhoun
Independent candidate in your district-
I’ll push for real rent control to protect tenants from rent hikes and eviction.
Tie rent control to the unit to limit rent increases between tenancies
Extend financial support to 311,000 Ontario households via the portable housing benefit
Return to in-person LTB hearings unless otherwise requested by the renter
Nathan Colquhoun
Independent candidate in your district-
I’ll push for tuition-free trades programs and direct job placement support.
Fund colleges appropriately so they can offer programmes for training in the trades
Provide opportunities for skilled trades and health care workers through union-led training programmes