Provide $75.5M for programmes that provide long-term stable housing and temporary accommodations for people living in encampments
"Providing municipalities and police with new resources and enforcement tools to address the growing problem of homeless encampments and crack down on illegal drug use in parks and public spaces, including by dedicating $75 .5 million for programs that provide more long-term stable housing and temporary accommodations for those living in encampments." — Our Plan to Protect Ontario, retrieved 2025-02-26
Increase penalties on people living in encampments
"Passing the Safer Municipalities Act, which is supported by mayors across the province, to provide tools to keep public places safe by increasing penalties on people who continually and deliberately trespass on private and public lands in illegal encampments, and specifically banning the consumption of illegal drugs in all public spaces and encampments." — Our Plan to Protect Ontario, retrieved 2025-02-26