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Housing & Homelessness

Housing prices platforms

Here's what the 2025 Ontario election parties are promising.
We don't have any PC policies on Housing prices.


  • Work with municipalities to incentivise affordably-priced housing, including with development charge easements

    "We’ll work with municipalities to create incentives for affordable housing in the marketplace, including development charge easements." — On Your Side, retrieved 2025-02-22

  • Implement a provincial Luxury Residences Tax on purchasing homes over $3M

    "To help pay for services we all rely on, we will implement a provincial Luxury Residences Tax on purchasing homes over $3 million, bringing in an expected 33 million dollars a year in new revenue." — On Your Side, retrieved 2025-02-22

We don't have any Liberal policies on Housing prices.


  • Implement a 25%-or-more multiple property speculation tax on those who purchase more than two houses

    "Implement a multiple property speculation tax on those who purchase more than two houses in Ontario. The tax will begin at 25% on the third home and increase with each additional property owned" — Our Plan for Fairness, retrieved 2025-02-22

  • Implement a provincial anti-flipping tax on quick turnaround sales
  • Bring in a beneficial ownership registry to prevent nameless companies from trading properties

    "Crack down on money laundering and implement a beneficial ownership registry to avoid the practice of nameless companies trading properties" — Our Plan for Fairness, retrieved 2025-02-22

  • Work with municipalities to implement a province-wide vacant homes tax

    "Work with municipalities to implement a province-wide vacant homes tax to make it harder to use vacant homes as a lucrative place to park cash and fix the loopholes" — Our Plan for Fairness, retrieved 2025-02-22

  • Reduce multi-residential building property taxes to bring them in-line with rates for single-family homes

Looking for the parties' positions on other topics?

See our full 2025 Ontario election platform comparison