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Health administration platforms

Here's what the 2024 Saskatchewan election parties are promising.
We don't have any Sask Party policies on Health administration.


Invest in Community Health Advisory networks so local communities are involved in healthcare decision-making

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"Invest in Community Health Advisory Networks so local communities will be heard in healthcare decision-making." — It’s Time for Change, retrieved 2024-10-20

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Sask United

  • Audit healthcare administration to streamline it

    "We must confront the challenges of bureaucracy and inefficiency that can hinder our progress. We under- stand that managing what we are able to manage is essential to delivering quality services. That is why we will call an immediate audit of administration vs. frontline, so we can streamline bureaucracy, reduce red tape, and eliminate unnecessary layers of administration that can impede the delivery of essential services." — The Sask United Blueprint for Change, retrieved 2024-10-20

  • Contract healthcare services out to private clinics

    "We will harness the innovation, efficiency, and expertise of the private sector to build out our healthcare infrastructure by introducing the Saskatchewan Integrated Healthcare System (SIHS). Non-government clinics will now have the ability to build facilities and provide services to meet the demands of local communities while remaining publicly funded through government contracts. By allowing choice and competition in the delivery of health care services, while retaining universal access for all, we will ensure that every citizen has access to the world-class medical care they deserve." — The Sask United Blueprint for Change, retrieved 2024-10-20

    "We understand that mental health care is a priority. More access to care is a necessity and imperative for reducing barriers for those in need. By opening health care to the private sector there will be a focus on opening mental health clinics, with services funded by the government. We aim to increase service avail- ability and reduce wait times, fostering a more responsive and effective care system. We will also expand access to telehealth options for both urban and rural areas, ensuring availability to reach underserved communities." — The Sask United Blueprint for Change, retrieved 2024-10-20

Looking for the parties' positions on other topics?

See our full 2024 Saskatchewan election platform comparison