Saskatchewan New Democratic Party
"And to further ease costs for young families, the Saskatche- wan NDP will accelerate $10-a-day childcare in every com- munity. There are billions of dollars in federal funding avail- able to make affordable childcare a reality, but the Sask. Party has stalled this program and failed to deliver on thousands of promised childcare spaces. Affordable childcare is good for families and good for the economy." — It’s Time for Change, retrieved 2024-10-20
Food and groceries
"But we’re not stopping there. We’ll cut the PST Scott Moe put on groceries, saving Saskatchewan people $150 million on their grocery bills over the course of our first term in government." — It’s Time for Change, retrieved 2024-10-20
"We will further help lower food costs for families with a school nutrition program. We know kids learn better on a full stomach — our program will be available to every public and separate school in the province, providing them with a nutritious breakfast or lunch each and every school day." — It’s Time for Change, retrieved 2024-10-20
Poverty and the minimum wage
"Ensure workers are safe and treated fairly, and consult with stakeholders on a plan to increase the minimum wage so that Saskatchewan’s will no longer be the lowest in the country." — It’s Time for Change, retrieved 2024-10-20
Tax measures and rebates
"We will immediately suspend the gas tax on Day 1 of govern- ment and keep it off for six months. This will save you money every time you fill up your tank." — It’s Time for Change, retrieved 2024-10-20
"Remove the PST from children’s clothing to save families money in time for Christmas." — It’s Time for Change, retrieved 2024-10-20
"But we’re not stopping there. We’ll cut the PST Scott Moe put on groceries, saving Saskatchewan people $150 million on their grocery bills over the course of our first term in government." — It’s Time for Change, retrieved 2024-10-20
Climate Change & the Environment
Climate adaptation
"Better prevent wildfires and protect communities through development of a comprehensive wildfire strategy in collaboration with Northern partners." — It’s Time for Change, retrieved 2024-10-20
"Work with conservation groups to invest in protecting biodiversity, wetlands and native prairie grasslands." — It’s Time for Change, retrieved 2024-10-20
Green construction and retrofits
"Invest dollars through climate initiatives into rapidly building out renewable power, energy efficiency retrofits, and lower energy costs for families." — It’s Time for Change, retrieved 2024-10-20
Power generation
"Invest dollars through climate initiatives into rapidly building out renewable power, energy efficiency retrofits, and lower energy costs for families." — It’s Time for Change, retrieved 2024-10-20
Reducing greenhouse gas emissions
"Recognize the role ranchers play in protecting grasslands and wetlands by developing a carbon offset program and ensuring the federal government supports it." — It’s Time for Change, retrieved 2024-10-20
K-12 funding
"Work with partners to ensure First Nations and Métis people have access to education in Northern Saskatchewan." — It’s Time for Change, retrieved 2024-10-20
"Increase funding for English as an Additional Language supports in schools to help the children of newcomers succeed." — It’s Time for Change, retrieved 2024-10-20
K-12 learning needs
K-12 staffing
"Reverse Scott Moe’s cuts to classrooms and hire more teachers and education workers to ensure every child has the attention and support they need." — It’s Time for Change, retrieved 2024-10-20
"Carla Beck and the Saskatchewan NDP will transform our education system by investing an additional $2 billion in education over our first term. Our commitment to educa- tion will lead to the hiring of hundreds of new teachers, educational assistants and other school support staff." — It’s Time for Change, retrieved 2024-10-20
School construction and upgrades
"A new elementary school in Moose Jaw to replace St. Michael School, construction to begin in 2025" — It’s Time for Change, retrieved 2024-10-20
"A new high school in Buffalo Narrows, construction to begin in 2026" — It’s Time for Change, retrieved 2024-10-20
"A new school in Sandy Bay, construction to begin in 2028" — It’s Time for Change, retrieved 2024-10-20
"A new high school in Emerald Park/White City, construction to begin in 2025" — It’s Time for Change, retrieved 2024-10-20
- "Faster construction of a new southeast Regina joint-use elementary school, to begin in 2025,
- Faster construction of a new high school for the east side of Saskatoon, to start in 2026."
— It’s Time for Change, retrieved 2024-10-20
School nutrition
"We will further help lower food costs for families with a school nutrition program. We know kids learn better on a full stomach — our program will be available to every public and separate school in the province, providing them with a nutritious breakfast or lunch each and every school day." — It’s Time for Change, retrieved 2024-10-20
"Increase funding for short-term training programs to get more Saskatchewan people working quickly in in-demand sectors." — It’s Time for Change, retrieved 2024-10-20
Emergency wait-times
"Help paramedics to get out of waiting rooms and back on the road through modernizing the Ambulance Act." — It’s Time for Change, retrieved 2024-10-20
"Share information with Saskatchewan people when there are unplanned emergency room closures by launching an online dashboard." — It’s Time for Change, retrieved 2024-10-20
"Relieve pressure on Saskatoon emergency rooms, reduce wait times and improve healthcare by reopening the emergency room in Saskatoon City Hospital 24/7." — It’s Time for Change, retrieved 2024-10-20
Family doctors and primary care
"Establish an online list of family doctors accepting new patients and improve access to primary care and nurse practitioners." — It’s Time for Change, retrieved 2024-10-20
Health administration
"Invest in Community Health Advisory Networks so local communities will be heard in healthcare decision-making." — It’s Time for Change, retrieved 2024-10-20
Health staffing
"Hire more doctors, nurses, paramedics and healthcare professionals to work on the front lines and at the bedside." — It’s Time for Change, retrieved 2024-10-20
"Create more permanent full-time healthcare positions to ensure frontline workers can stay in their communities and phase out Scott Moe’s costly contract positions." — It’s Time for Change, retrieved 2024-10-20
"Retain the healthcare workers already on the frontlines by treating them with respect and ensuring they have the tools they need to do their jobs." — It’s Time for Change, retrieved 2024-10-20
"Respect healthcare workers and ensure they are valued by bringing in a different approach than the Sask. Party and ending the culture of fear and reprisals." — It’s Time for Change, retrieved 2024-10-20
"Bring in a Grow Your Own Strategy to train more healthcare workers here in Saskatchewan to work in Saskatchewan – with a focus on hard-to-recruit positions." — It’s Time for Change, retrieved 2024-10-20
"Create a Health Human Resources Roundtable to bring together all key players to assess the current workforce and plan for the future." — It’s Time for Change, retrieved 2024-10-20
"Launch the nursing taskforce that the Saskatchewan Union of Nurses has been calling for for more than two years." — It’s Time for Change, retrieved 2024-10-20
Long-term care
"Reduce long-term care wait times and restore and expand supports and services to keep seniors in their homes longer, including those living with disabilities and other physical impairments." — It’s Time for Change, retrieved 2024-10-20
Mental health
"Increase access to mental health supports, addictions support, including counselling, prevention and early intervention services." — It’s Time for Change, retrieved 2024-10-20
Prescription drugs and pharmacare
"Reduce prescription costs by signing on to the federal government’s plan to cover insulin and contraceptives." — It’s Time for Change, retrieved 2024-10-20
Procedures and diagnostics
"Provide people with timely access to life-saving tests and scans by investing in diagnostic equipment in the public system, including MRIs, mammograms, and CT scans." — It’s Time for Change, retrieved 2024-10-20
"Help firefighters, burn victims and cancer patients get treatment by reopening the Moose Jaw Hyperbaric Chamber." — It’s Time for Change, retrieved 2024-10-20
"Increase the number of surgeries in the public system by hiring more staff and increasing the hours of operation." — It’s Time for Change, retrieved 2024-10-20
"Reduce long-term care wait times and restore and expand supports and services to keep seniors in their homes longer, including those living with disabilities and other physical impairments." — It’s Time for Change, retrieved 2024-10-20
Sexual and reproductive health
"Fund one round of in vitro fertilization (IVF) treatment for families looking to grow." — It’s Time for Change, retrieved 2024-10-20
Housing & Homelessness
Public housing
Rental housing
"Pass a Landlord and Tenant Rent Protection Act to protect renters, help them keep a roof over their heads and limit how often and how much rents can increase." — It’s Time for Change, retrieved 2024-10-20
Jobs, Businesses, & Labour
"Work to improve livestock business risk management programs to ensure fairness, protection, and flexibility for producers." — It’s Time for Change, retrieved 2024-10-20
"Investigate and crack down on illegal foreign ownership of farmland and increase transparency by establishing a registry." — It’s Time for Change, retrieved 2024-10-20
Economic growth
"Implement a Hire Saskatchewan plan and prioritize Saskatchewan workers and companies to build and maintain public infrastructure projects." — It’s Time for Change, retrieved 2024-10-20
"Establish a business roundtable with employers and workers across all sectors to address labour force challenges and build a strong and diversified economy." — It’s Time for Change, retrieved 2024-10-20
"Introduce a new Saskatchewan Economic Growth Incentive Program that will improve on the existing tax incentives and provide a PST rebate on construction costs for facilities that process our resources at home, creating good jobs." — It’s Time for Change, retrieved 2024-10-20
Internet and cell service
"Expand access to the internet and develop a Broadband Infrastructure Strategy as recommended by the Saskatchewan Association of Rural Municipalities and Saskatchewan Urban Municipalities Association." — It’s Time for Change, retrieved 2024-10-20
Poverty and the minimum wage
"Ensure workers are safe and treated fairly, and consult with stakeholders on a plan to increase the minimum wage so that Saskatchewan’s will no longer be the lowest in the country." — It’s Time for Change, retrieved 2024-10-20
Startups and small businesses
"Revitalize and improve safety in the downtowns and Main Streets of our cities and towns across the province with PST rebates on major retrofits and renovations to help small businesses and offices keep their doors open in the designated core areas of our communities." — It’s Time for Change, retrieved 2024-10-20
"Increase funding for short-term training programs to get more Saskatchewan people working quickly in in-demand sectors." — It’s Time for Change, retrieved 2024-10-20
Society & Government
"Saskatchewan does not have a revenue problem. Saskatchewan has a money management program. The Saskatchewan NDP fiscal plan has a cumulative cost of $3.65 billion in spending over the next four years. The added spending is within the anticipated growth in revenues and will result in a surplus budget in the fourth year of the term." — It’s Time for Change, retrieved 2024-10-20
Ethical government
"Strengthen legislation on lobbying, MLA conflict of interest, and freedom of information to increase transparency." — It’s Time for Change, retrieved 2024-10-20
"Investigate Sask. Party corruption and mismanagement with an accountability commission to review projects like the Sunrise Motel, the AIMS system, the Global Transportation Hub, and the Regina Bypass." — It’s Time for Change, retrieved 2024-10-20
"Get big money out of politics by banning corporate, union, and out-of-province donations." — It’s Time for Change, retrieved 2024-10-20
"Increase funding for English as an Additional Language supports in schools to help the children of newcomers succeed." — It’s Time for Change, retrieved 2024-10-20
Indigenous reconciliation
"Work with First Nations and Métis leaders towards implementing the Calls to Action and Calls to Justice in the Truth and Reconciliation Commission and Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women final reports that are within Saskatchewan’s jurisdiction." — It’s Time for Change, retrieved 2024-10-20
"Ensure Northern Saskatchewan residents are full partners in building and growing our province, and restore a physical presence for government in the North so that their voices can be heard." — It’s Time for Change, retrieved 2024-10-20
"Work with First Nations and Métis communities and leaders on a recruitment and retention plan with targeted measures and indicators to get more Indigenous people working in healthcare – especially in Northern Saskatchewan." — It’s Time for Change, retrieved 2024-10-20
"Apologize for the provincial government’s role in the Timber Bay and Île-à-la-Crosse residential schools and work with the remaining survivors to provide meaningful supports." — It’s Time for Change, retrieved 2024-10-20
"Honour the Treaty and Inherent rights of all First Nations and Métis people in Saskatchewan." — It’s Time for Change, retrieved 2024-10-20
Indigenous women, girls, and 2-spirited people
"Work with First Nations and Métis leaders towards implementing the Calls to Action and Calls to Justice in the Truth and Reconciliation Commission and Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women final reports that are within Saskatchewan’s jurisdiction." — It’s Time for Change, retrieved 2024-10-20
People with disabilities
"We will fulfill the provincial government’s responsibilities to adhere to the Accessibility Act and support people in Saskatchewan’s disability community." — It’s Time for Change, retrieved 2024-10-20
Public safety
"We will work with police services to hire more than 200 additional officers." — It’s Time for Change, retrieved 2024-10-20
"Increase funding to established Saskatchewan police forces and mental health and addictions services over four years." — It’s Time for Change, retrieved 2024-10-20
"Scrap the Sask. Party’s Marshals Service — which doesn’t put boots on the ground until 2026 — and redirect those dollars to frontline policing." — It’s Time for Change, retrieved 2024-10-20
"Crack down on organized crime and drug traffickers with an Unexplained Wealth Taskforce." — It’s Time for Change, retrieved 2024-10-20
"Address the root causes of crime – like poverty and homelessness, mental health and addictions, lack of economic opportunity, trauma, social connection – to increase well-being and safety in Saskatchewan communities." — It’s Time for Change, retrieved 2024-10-20
"Bolster physical security for homes, places of worship and small businesses by offering a rebate program for security equipment, such as cameras and lights." — It’s Time for Change, retrieved 2024-10-20
"Establish a Missing Persons office to provide information and support to families whose loved ones are missing." — It’s Time for Change, retrieved 2024-10-20
"Develop an intimate partner violence action plan, working with those on the front lines." — It’s Time for Change, retrieved 2024-10-20
Sports and recreation
"Revitalize Saskatchewan communities with a grant program that groups can apply to for funding for community rinks, halls, and other facilities." — It’s Time for Change, retrieved 2024-10-20
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