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Affordability platforms

Here's what the candidates in Saskatoon University-Sutherland, and their parties, are promising.


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We don't have any Sask United policies on Childcare.


Speed up work to provide $10/day childcare in every community

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"And to further ease costs for young families, the Saskatche- wan NDP will accelerate $10-a-day childcare in every com- munity. There are billions of dollars in federal funding avail- able to make affordable childcare a reality, but the Sask. Party has stalled this program and failed to deliver on thousands of promised childcare spaces. Affordable childcare is good for families and good for the economy." — It’s Time for Change, retrieved 2024-10-20

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We don't have any Sask Party policies on Childcare.

Food and groceries

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We don't have any Sask United policies on Food and groceries.


  • Remove PST on groceries

    "But we’re not stopping there. We’ll cut the PST Scott Moe put on groceries, saving Saskatchewan people $150 million on their grocery bills over the course of our first term in government." — It’s Time for Change, retrieved 2024-10-20

  • Provide a school lunch programme in every public and separate school

    "We will further help lower food costs for families with a school nutrition program. We know kids learn better on a full stomach — our program will be available to every public and separate school in the province, providing them with a nutritious breakfast or lunch each and every school day." — It’s Time for Change, retrieved 2024-10-20

We don't have any Sask Party policies on Food and groceries.

Post-secondary costs and loans

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We don't have any Sask United policies on Post-secondary costs and loans.
We don't have any NDP policies on Post-secondary costs and loans.

Poverty and the minimum wage

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We don't have any Sask United policies on Poverty and the minimum wage.


  • Reverse changes to the Income Support programme and restore the direct payment of rent and utilities
  • Consult with stakeholders on a plan to increase the minimum wage

    "Ensure workers are safe and treated fairly, and consult with stakeholders on a plan to increase the minimum wage so that Saskatchewan’s will no longer be the lowest in the country." — It’s Time for Change, retrieved 2024-10-20

We don't have any Sask Party policies on Poverty and the minimum wage.

Seniors' benefits

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Sask United

Provide a 65% discount on property taxes for primary residents to citizens 65 years and older

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"Our seniors are an integral part of our province, embodying wisdom, experience, and deep connection to our communities. To demonstrate our commitment to their well being, we will introduce a 65% discount on property taxes for primary residences to all citizens 65 years or older. This will ensure that seniors can re- main in their local communities and continue to be active and engaged, enhancing the fabric of our society for generations to come." — The Sask United Blueprint for Change, retrieved 2024-10-20

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We don't have any NDP policies on Seniors' benefits.

Tax measures and rebates

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Sask United

  • Reduce the PST to 3%

    "We recognize the difficulties many families encounter in making ends meet, and we are dedicated to offer- ing relief and support where it is most needed. That’s why we have established a goal to cut the Provincial Sales Tax (PST) in half, from 6% to 3%. This reduction would put more money back into the hands of hard- working families and individuals throughout the province." — The Sask United Blueprint for Change, retrieved 2024-10-20

  • Remove the Provincial Gas Tax

    "We understand how the rising cost of living affects families, which is why we are committed to eliminating the Provincial Gas Tax. By removing this 15 cent per litre tax on fuel we aim to alleviate financial pressure on families, make everyday necessities more affordable, and promote economic growth throughout Saskatchewan." — The Sask United Blueprint for Change, retrieved 2024-10-20


  • Suspend the gas tax for six months

    "We will immediately suspend the gas tax on Day 1 of govern- ment and keep it off for six months. This will save you money every time you fill up your tank." — It’s Time for Change, retrieved 2024-10-20

  • Remove PST on children's clothing before Christmas

    "Remove the PST from children’s clothing to save families money in time for Christmas." — It’s Time for Change, retrieved 2024-10-20

  • Remove PST on groceries

    "But we’re not stopping there. We’ll cut the PST Scott Moe put on groceries, saving Saskatchewan people $150 million on their grocery bills over the course of our first term in government." — It’s Time for Change, retrieved 2024-10-20

Sask Party

  • Reduce income taxes

    "A Saskatchewan Party government will reduce income taxes again for every taxpayer in Saskatchewan.

    1. A family of four will save more than $3,400 over the next four years under the Saskatchewan Party Plan.
    2. A senior couple will save more than $3,100 over the next four years under the Saskatchewan Party Plan.
    3. The plan will result in another 54,000 low-income individuals no longer paying provincial income tax – in addition to the 112,000 individuals who already pay no income tax because of previous Saskatchewan Party income tax reductions."

    Our Plan for a Strong Economy and a Bright Future, retrieved 2024-10-19

  • Increase the Low-Income Tax Credit by 20% over four years

    "The Saskatchewan Low-Income Tax Credit will increase by 20 per cent over the next four years." — Our Plan for a Strong Economy and a Bright Future, retrieved 2024-10-19

Utility costs

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We don't have any Sask United policies on Utility costs.
We don't have any NDP policies on Utility costs.

Sask Party

  • Continue to exempt home heating from the carbon price for another year

    "The Saskatchewan Party carbon tax exemption on home heating will be renewed for another year, saving households $481 per year when the Trudeau-NDP government increases the carbon tax next April." — Our Plan for a Strong Economy and a Bright Future, retrieved 2024-10-19

  • Invest almost $9.5 billion in Crown utilities over the next four years

    "A re-elected Saskatchewan Party government will invest almost $9.5 billion in Saskatchewan’s Crown sector over the next four years – the largest capital investment in the history of Saskatchewan’s Crowns." — Our Plan for a Strong Economy and a Bright Future, retrieved 2024-10-19

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