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Dale Richarson

Buffalo candidate for The Battlefords
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submitted by the candidate or their team
I’m a father of two with an engineering background & 13 years as a heavy-duty mechanic. In 2020, I founded DSR Karis Consulting to protect churches & businesses during COVID-19. After facing backlash, Kaysha launched The Karis Project to advocate for equality and the oppressed.

An unconventional candidate.

I am a father of two daughters Kaysha Richardson 27, and Karis Richardson 5. Kaysha and I moved to Saskatchewan in 2013, and Karis was born in Saskatoon in 2019 and has resided in the Battlefords since then. I am a family-oriented man and raised my oldest daughter as a single father after having a lengthy legal battle with child and family services as a young father in Winnipeg after Kaysha was removed from my care without lawful cause. I had to fight the government for three and a half years and had Kaysha returned to my care after she became a permanent ward of the provincial crown in Manitoba. I am no stranger to governmental overreach and have extensive experience in this regard long before COVID-19 happened, as a young man I demonstrated great tenacity and determination in the face of adversity which I found would serve me well later in life.

I am a Mechanical Engineering Technologist with a Bachelor of Technology Majoring in Engineering and Applied Sciences from Memorial University of Newfoundland, and his MET diploma I earned at Saskatchewan Polytechnic in 2019. Before entering Mechanical Engineering Technology, I spent approximately 13 years working as a heavy-duty mechanic in Alberta and Saskatchewan. I worked in mining before founding DSR Karis Consulting Inc. On April 1st, 2020, in North Battleford Saskatchewan. My business plan was centred on keeping churches, not for profits and other businesses open during the lockdowns in early 2020 after uncovering the improper contagion mitigation for the COVID-19 pandemic would spread disease rather than mitigate it. I published my findings under the title “COVID-19 and negligent engineering practices Will this Kill People?”.

In early 2020 I faced severe push back from government for exposing the faulty engineering controls that would have shut down the entire pandemic response in July of 2020 when I made criminal complaints to the Battlefords RCMP on July 3rd of that year. As a result of whistleblowing that acted in the best interests of my family and the people of Saskatchewan, My family was torn apart in a far worse manner than what happened almost 20 years earlier in 1997 with my oldest daughter Kaysha. As a result, Kaysha started The Karis Project which includes a podcast and other humanitarian work because of what was done to our family. Kaysha and I work together on The Karis Project initiative with me in Canada and Kaysha in the United States. Kaysha is a citizen of the Metis nation of Saskatchewan, and I support her efforts that are working to improve the conditions within the First Nations/Metis community in Saskatchewan and abroad. I believe in equality of all people under the law.

Reason for running

submitted by the candidate or their team
For four years, I’ve fought corruption as a private citizen and will do the same as a public servant. I always stood for what's right, no matter the cost, showing the tenacity and courage that set me apart. That’s why I’m the candidate who deserves your vote.

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