This is a page from the 2025 Ontario general election.
Climate Change & the Environment platforms
Here's what the candidates in Dufferin—Caledon, and their parties, are promising.We don't have any Liberal policies on Animal protection.
We don't have any PC policies on Animal protection.
We don't have any ONDP policies on Animal protection.
Climate adaptation
Implement a predictable multi-year fund for municipalities to build climate-resilient infrastructure
Create a Safe Home Fund with zero-interest loans for home renovations to protect homes from climate-fueled unsafe weather events
We don't have any Liberal policies on Climate adaptation.
Kris Eggleton
New Blue candidate in your district-
We need to cancel all "Climate initiatives"
We don't have any PC policies on Climate adaptation.
Conservation and environmental protection
Strengthen and uphold the Environmental Bill of Rights
We don't have any Liberal policies on Conservation and environmental protection.
Kris Eggleton
New Blue candidate in your district-
I'm all for protecting our natural resources and conservation areas.
We don't have any PC policies on Conservation and environmental protection.
Protect the Niagara Escarpment
Prevent new aggregate pits or quarries, including proposed quarries near Mt. Nemo and in Campbellville, and the dumpsite in Dresden
Restore the power of Conservation Authorities to review projects that might threaten farmland, groundwater, and wetland systems
We don't have any Liberal policies on Disasters.
Kris Eggleton
New Blue candidate in your district-
Unfortunately disasters happen. I will make sure we have the emergency workers to deal with it.
We don't have any PC policies on Disasters.
We don't have any ONDP policies on Disasters.
Electric vehicles
Provide a $7,500 clean vehicle rebate for new EVs under $75,000
Expand the EV charging network across the province
Provide a $3,000 clean vehicle rebate on pre-owned EVs and new E-Bikes
Amend the building code so all new homes and multi-residential buildings are EV charging ready
We don't have any Liberal policies on Electric vehicles.
Kris Eggleton
New Blue candidate in your district-
If someone wants an electric vehicle they should be able to get one. The shouldn't be mandated, nor can our power grid handle if it was.
Install electric vehicle charging infrastructure
Forestry and forest conservation
We don't have any Green policies on Forestry and forest conservation.
We don't have any Liberal policies on Forestry and forest conservation.
Kris Eggleton
New Blue candidate in your district-
I believe in forest conservation, and making sure they are taken care of so that we don't have unnecessary forest fires.
We don't have any ONDP policies on Forestry and forest conservation.
Grassy Narrows mercury contamination
We don't have any Liberal policies on Grassy Narrows mercury contamination.
We don't have any PC policies on Grassy Narrows mercury contamination.
Immediately clean up the mercury in the English-Wabigoon River system
Connect people impacted by mercury poisoning with care
Remediate mercury buried upstream from Grassy Narrows
Green construction and retrofits
Support municipalities, schools, and institutions to create renewable energy projects through zero interest loans
Provide a $10,000 grant and upfront zero-interest loan programmes for energy efficiency retrofits for households with incomes under $100,000
Provide zero-interest loans for energy efficiency retrofits for households with incomes over $100,000
Remove HST on heat pumps, heat pump hot water heating, solar panels, EV chargers, and energy retrofits
Institute energy labelling of homes and multi-residential buildings
Create a grant programme for co-op, non-profit, and public housing to retrofit buildings
Create a permanent tax credit worth 20% of the installation cost of energy-saving technologies for homes, such as heat pumps
Kris Eggleton
New Blue candidate in your district-
I believe that people have the choice for green construction and retrofits.
We don't have any PC policies on Green construction and retrofits.
Inter-city bus and rail
Offer at least one GO express service each way during weekday peak periods
Electrify and increase GO service throught the GTA and southwestern Ontario
Kris Eggleton
New Blue candidate in your district-
I believe that people should have access to public transportation.
Provide two-way, all-day GO rail service for Milton and Kitchener
Provide two-way all-day GO service to Kitchener, Guelph, Brampton, Niagara, London, and Bowmanville
Build new GO stations in Oshawa, Clarington, Grimsby, and Bowmanville
Support rail services like the Huron Central and Algoma Central Rail Lines
Mining and minerals
We don't have any Green policies on Mining and minerals.
We don't have any Liberal policies on Mining and minerals.
Kris Eggleton
New Blue candidate in your district-
I'm for mining of minerals and oil, it's essential to grow our economy.
Oil and gas
Ontario's Greenbelt
Freeze urban boundaries and reverse recent boundary expansions
Kris Eggleton
New Blue candidate in your district-
Ontario's greenbelt is an important part of our province, and should be protected.
We don't have any PC policies on Ontario's Greenbelt.
Expand the federal list of banned single-use plastics to include water bottles, coffee cups, and other unnecessary packaging
Expand Deposit Return to non-alcoholic beverage containers
We don't have any Liberal policies on Pollution.
Kris Eggleton
New Blue candidate in your district-
We can always improve pollution control with new technology.
We don't have any PC policies on Pollution.
We don't have any ONDP policies on Pollution.
Power generation
Maintain existing nuclear generation at Bruce and Darlington
Ensure grid capacity and low cost grid connections for renewable energy generation
Ensure community and individual monetary benefit agreements for people who live near wind farms
End the moratorium on off-shore wind energy
We don't have any Liberal policies on Power generation.
Kris Eggleton
New Blue candidate in your district-
Nuclear power generation is the best we have today.
Ban Chinese state-owned companies from buying/taking equity in provincially-funded energy, critical mineral, or big infrastructure projects
Ban Chinese components from all future energy procurements
Build new energy transmission infrastructure across the province
Public transit
Take ownership of the Ottawa LRT and expand it
Provide operational funding for safety equipment like cameras for transit services
Electrify and increase GO service throught the GTA and southwestern Ontario
Install platform doors in all TTC subway stations
Kris Eggleton
New Blue candidate in your district-
I support public transit for all of our citizens and believe it essential.
Provide two-way, all-day GO rail service for Milton and Kitchener
Fund Phase 2 of the Waterloo ION LRT
Include the Mississauga Loop as part of the Hazel McCallion Line
Extend LRT into downtown Brampton
Provide two-way all-day GO service to Kitchener, Guelph, Brampton, Niagara, London, and Bowmanville
Reducing greenhouse gas emissions
Walkable, bikeable communities
Create a predictable, annual infrastructure fund for safe walking, cycling, and mobility devices for municipalities
Stop the province from interfering with municipal transit plans like bike lanes
Amend zoning rules to allow for small businesses such as corner stores and cafes to open within residential neighbourhoods
End mandatory minimum parking requirements for all new developments
We don't have any Liberal policies on Walkable, bikeable communities.
Kris Eggleton
New Blue candidate in your district-
I think we need a safe area for bicycles and pedestrians to enjoy their community.
We don't have any ONDP policies on Walkable, bikeable communities.
Waste and recycling
Expand Deposit Return to non-alcoholic beverage containers
Ban food waste from landfills or incinerators and expand food waste collection to all municipalities across the province
Introduce a Circular Economy Act to support reuse, repair, and recycling jobs and businesses
Expand the federal list of banned single-use plastics to include water bottles, coffee cups, and other unnecessary packaging
Set required minimum use of recycled aggregates in infrastructure projects
We don't have any Liberal policies on Waste and recycling.
We don't have any PC policies on Waste and recycling.
We don't have any ONDP policies on Waste and recycling.
Water and watersheds
Expand the Greenbelt to include a Bluebelt of protected waterways
Expand drinking water source protection to Northern, remote, and Indigenous communities
Restore provincial funding for source water protection
We don't have any Liberal policies on Water and watersheds.
Kris Eggleton
New Blue candidate in your district-
They are fundamental components of our hydrological cycle and play crucial roles in our ecosystems.
We don't have any PC policies on Water and watersheds.
Immediately clean up the mercury in the English-Wabigoon River system