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Darcy Robilliard

Green candidate for Kindersley-Biggar
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from their website

Hello, fellow Saskatchewaners, my name is Darcy Robilliard. I was born and raised in Regina.

I am a trained Occupational Health and Safety union steward. I believe in workers' rights and the union movement, and I promote the green Just Transition for fairness to workers as we mobilize to head off the extreme effects of climate change. Since our economy is rapidly changing, with sudden unfair gaps in opportunity, I also support putting in place a Guaranteed Liveable Income. If elected, this will be a high priority for me.

It is time for a change. We have to come together as Canadians and Saskatchewan citizens to protect our children's future from climate collapse. We must preserve for them our clean air and clean water and the natural richness of our homeland. If only for this one reason, I hope you consider voting for me and the Saskatchewan Green Party. Thank you for reading my message.

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