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Jobs, Businesses, & Labour

Gig and contract workers platforms

Here's what the 2025 Ontario election parties are promising.
We don't have any PC policies on Gig and contract workers.


  • Classify app-based gig workers as employees
  • Modernise the Employment Standareds Act to protect all workers

    "We will legally recognize democratically- ratified union agreements covering gig workers and modernize the Employment Standards Act to ensure all workers are protected through strong, modern and enforced labour standards legislation." — On Your Side, retrieved 2025-02-22

  • Legally recognise democratically-ratified union agreements covering gig workers
We don't have any Liberal policies on Gig and contract workers.


  • Expand the Employment Standards Act to include all workers and end exemptions and loopholes

    "Protect gig workers by expanding the Employment Standards Act to include all workers, close loopholes and end exemptions to the law. This means ensuring at least minimum wage for all hours of work from app sign-in until sign-out" — Our Plan for Fairness, retrieved 2025-02-22

  • Classify gig workers as employees with full employment rights and full and equal access to benefits programmes like EI, CPP, and WSIB

    "Classify gig workers as employees with full employment rights and full and equal access to benefits programs like EI, CPP, and WSIB" — Our Plan for Fairness, retrieved 2025-02-22

  • Make gig work count towards Permanent Residency applications
  • Ensure at least a minimum wage for all hours of work from app sign-in until sign-out
  • Mandate that temp agency workers earn the same and have the same protections, and become full hired employees after 3 months

    "Mandate that temp agency workers earn the same and have the same workplace protections as directly hired workers when they do the same work, and that temp workers must become full hired employees after three months." — Our Plan for Fairness, retrieved 2025-02-22

Looking for the parties' positions on other topics?

See our full 2025 Ontario election platform comparison