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Climate Change & the Environment platforms

Here's what the candidates in Scarborough North, and their parties, are promising.

Climate adaptation

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We don't have any Liberal policies on Climate adaptation.
We don't have any PC policies on Climate adaptation.


  • Set up a Youth Climate Corps to give opportunities for youth to earn a fair wage helping communities reduce emissions and build resiliency

    "We will establish Ontario’s first Youth Climate Corps, giving opportunities to young Ontarians to learn skills and earn a fair wage while helping Ontario communities reduce their emissions, restore their natural environments, and become more resilient in a changing climate." — On Your Side, retrieved 2025-02-22

Conservation and environmental protection

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We don't have any Liberal policies on Conservation and environmental protection.
We don't have any PC policies on Conservation and environmental protection.


  • Protect the Niagara Escarpment
  • Prevent new aggregate pits or quarries, including proposed quarries near Mt. Nemo and in Campbellville, and the dumpsite in Dresden
  • Transfer provincial lands to create the new Ojibway National Urban Park in Windsor

    "We will deliver on the Ojibway National Urban Park in Windsor: The Ford government is reneging on its promise to transfer provincial lands to complete this new urban park. An NDP government will transfer these lands immediately and complete the work to get the park established." — On Your Side: The Ontario NDP Plan for Southwest Ontario & Niagara, retrieved 2025-02-20

  • Restore the power of Conservation Authorities to review projects that might threaten farmland, groundwater, and wetland systems
  • Set up a Youth Climate Corps to give opportunities for youth to earn a fair wage helping communities reduce emissions and build resiliency

    "We will establish Ontario’s first Youth Climate Corps, giving opportunities to young Ontarians to learn skills and earn a fair wage while helping Ontario communities reduce their emissions, restore their natural environments, and become more resilient in a changing climate." — On Your Side, retrieved 2025-02-22

Electric vehicles

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We don't have any Liberal policies on Electric vehicles.


  • Continue to invest in the electric vehicle and battery auto pact, even if the US pulls back on its investments

    "Maintaining Ontario’s financial contributions to the electric vehicle and battery auto pact, which has attracted more than $45 billion in global investments in the province, including by Stellantis and LG Energy Solutions in Windsor and Volkswagen in St Thomas. A re-elected PC government would continue to make these investments regardless of any decision by the U.S. on the future of the IRA.

    Advocating that the federal government do the same, whoever is in office." —, retrieved 2025-02-19


  • Provide income-tested electric vehicle rebates, with some electric vehicles produced overseas exempted from incentives

    "We will help Ontario drivers make the switch to EVs to save money and support Ontario’s auto sector, with income-tested rebates towards the purchase of an eligible new or used battery-electric vehicle or plug-in hybrid. Electric Vehicles produced overseas will be exempt from incentives where corporate leadership are hell-bent on destroying the Canadian economy." — On Your Side, retrieved 2025-02-22

  • Reintroduce electric vehicle-readiness building code requirements

    "We’ll ensure that new homes are future-proofed for the energy transition with low-cost EV-ready infrastructure, so that homeowners with garages can install electric vehicle chargers cheaply when they choose to make the switch, instead of paying thousands of dollars in retrofitting costs." — On Your Side, retrieved 2025-02-22

  • Install electric vehicle charging infrastructure

Forestry and forest conservation

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We don't have any Liberal policies on Forestry and forest conservation.


  • Prioritise shovel-ready projects that diversify biomass, mill residual, and pulpwood markets, including biomass electricity generation

    "Building on our more than $100 million Forest Sector Strategy by prioritizing shovel-ready projects that will help diversify biomass, mill residual and pulpwood markets, including more forest biomass electricity generation facilities across northern Ontario." — Our Plan to Protect Ontario, retrieved 2025-02-26

  • Invest $20M more in the Forest Access Roads Program

    "Investing $20 million to enhance the Forest Access Roads Program to strengthen these vital northern Ontario infrastructure networks that are used for resource development, recreation, Indigenous communities and emergency responders." — Our Plan to Protect Ontario, retrieved 2025-02-26

  • Invest $75M for a new Pulp Sector Revitalization Program

    "Investing $75 million for a new Pulp Sector Revitalization Program to incentivize new investments in pulp mills that improve productivity and enable these mills to stay competitive in the global market." — Our Plan to Protect Ontario, retrieved 2025-02-26

We don't have any ONDP policies on Forestry and forest conservation.

Grassy Narrows mercury contamination

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We don't have any Liberal policies on Grassy Narrows mercury contamination.
We don't have any PC policies on Grassy Narrows mercury contamination.


  • Immediately clean up the mercury in the English-Wabigoon River system
  • Connect people impacted by mercury poisoning with care
  • Remediate mercury buried upstream from Grassy Narrows

Green construction and retrofits

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  • Create a permanent tax credit worth 20% of the installation cost of energy-saving technologies for homes, such as heat pumps
We don't have any PC policies on Green construction and retrofits.


  • Provide free or discounted electric heat pumps to households, with heat pump rebates and interest-free financing

    "We will provide free or discounted electric heat pumps to Ontario households, with access to easy interest- free financing. Heat pump rebates of up to $19,500 will be available depending on household income, with an additional $5,000 available for households that heat with propane, heating oil, or coal." — On Your Side, retrieved 2025-02-22

  • Provide energy saving retrofit support to renters and low-income households

    "We will also enhance Ontario’s SaveONEnergy Energy Affordability program to provide retrofit support to renters and low-income households, ensuring fair access to Ontario’s energy savings programs." — On Your Side, retrieved 2025-02-22

Inter-city bus and rail

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  • Electrify and increase GO service throught the GTA and southwestern Ontario


  • Install charging plug ports, cup holders, and improved wifi on all Metrolinx GO trains and Northlander trains

    "Install charging plug ports, cup holders and improved Wi-Fi on all Metrolinx GO trains and Northlander trains to make travelling and commuting more convenient and enjoyable." — Our Plan to Protect Ontario, retrieved 2025-02-26

  • Provide two-way, all-day GO rail service for Milton and Kitchener
  • Build multiple new GO rail lines

    "When fully realized, GO 2.0 would support the creation of multiple new lines, including a line running through mid-town Toronto, a line from Bolton to Union Station via Woodbridge and Etobicoke, as well as extensions and improvements to existing lines, including Richmond Hill." —, retrieved 2025-02-19


  • Implement a Northern Rail and Bus Strategy to fast-track Northlander passenger service to Timmins and Cochrane

    "The Ontario NDP will implement a Northern Rail and Bus Strategy that will fast-track the long-delayed delivery of the Northlander passenger service to both Timmins and Cochrane, with a proper connection to the Polar Bear Express." — On Your Side: The Ontario NDP Plan for the North, retrieved 2025-02-20

  • Provide two-way all-day GO service to Kitchener, Guelph, Brampton, Niagara, London, and Bowmanville
  • Build new GO stations in Oshawa, Clarington, Grimsby, and Bowmanville
  • Support rail services like the Huron Central and Algoma Central Rail Lines

Mining and minerals

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We don't have any Liberal policies on Mining and minerals.


  • Speed up permitting, streamline requirements, and provide financing for mining where multiple critical mineral deposits are likely present

    "Designating regions where multiple critical mineral deposits are present or likely to be present, including the Ring of Fire, as regions of strategic importance for Ontario’s economy and security to support the needs of North American supply chains (including in the defence, automotive and energy sectors), triggering accelerated and parallel permitting, streamlined requirements, certainty around consultation timelines, and financial and other resources to support economic participation for First Nations partners. Within these regions of strategic importance, pre-approved project proponents that meet high operating, safety and environmental standards will be granted automatic approval to proceed with early works once they’ve met duty to consult obligations with ongoing oversight and inspection by relevant provincial ministries, agencies and authorities." —, retrieved 2025-02-23

  • Use AI to cut regulations

    "Safely and securely leveraging Artificial Intelligence (AI) to further accelerate the identification and implementation of red tape and regulatory burden reduction across all of government." — Our Plan to Protect Ontario, retrieved 2025-02-26

  • Launch a new $3B First Nations Opportunities Financing Program to support First Nations equity participation in expanded sectors

    "Launching a new $3 billion First Nations Opportunities Financing Program that would triple the province’s existing $1 billion Aboriginal Loan Guarantee Program to support First Nations equity participation in an expanded set of sectors, including electricity, critical minerals, resource development and related infrastructure components, offering generational economic opportunities for First Nations in Ontario." —, retrieved 2025-02-23

  • Create new scholarship opportunities for First Nations students pursuing careers in resource development

    "Creating new scholarship opportunities for First Nations students interested in pursuing careers in resource development in collaboration with our world class post-secondary institutions." —, retrieved 2025-02-23

  • Deputise a permitting and approvals czar

    "Deputize a permitting and approvals czar within Ontario’s Lean Team focused on clearing the pathway for new job creating investments and sectors such as mining, manufacturing and infrastructure projects." — Our Plan to Protect Ontario, retrieved 2025-02-26

  • Invest $70M to expand the Aboriginal Participation Fund to consult with Indigenous communities and train for First Nations workers

    "Investing $70 million to expand the Aboriginal Participation Fund, which enables meaningful consultation with Indigenous communities in support of key projects, including mining exploration and development. The fund will also now be used to train First Nations workers so that they are able to directly benefit from critical mineral development." —, retrieved 2025-02-23

  • Legislate a one-project, one-process approach for all mining developments

    "Legislating a One-Project, One-Process approach for all mining development to improve efficiency, streamline permitting, provide greater certainty and speed up approvals with service standards timeline guarantees for provincial regulatory approvals including the rigorous enforcement of permit and approval timelines enshrined within Ontario’s Mining Act to give operators and investors the certainty they need to hire and build. This includes having a dedicated project manager assigned to major projects to help proponents navigate the system and ensure accountability." —, retrieved 2025-02-23

  • Rebuild the permitting process from the ground up

    "Rebuild the permitting process from the ground up, removing anything unnecessary, outdated or redundant that put us at a timeline disadvantage to any other G7 national or subnational jurisdiction, including by further streamlining Ontario’s environmental assessment process, eliminating federal redundancies and harmonizing and bringing common sense conservation principles to species-at-risk requirements." — Our Plan to Protect Ontario, retrieved 2025-02-26

  • Create a $500M Critical Minerals Processing Fund to speed up development of processing projects and attract capital investment

    "The PC plan includes $500 million to create a new Critical Minerals Processing Fund that would accelerate development of processing projects, attract private capital investment and speed up key strategic projects across the critical mineral supply chain." —, retrieved 2025-02-23


  • Formally consult with the Matawa Tribal Council First Nations on decisions related to the Ring of Fire

    "We will support a strong Ontario mining sector, and the tens of thousands of good jobs it provides. The piecemeal and bulldozer-first approach of Liberals and Conservatives has failed to develop the Ring of Fire. We will begin a formal consultation process with the Matawa Tribal Council First Nations members, and other impacted First Nations on decisions related to the Ring of Fire to create generational infrastructure, jobs, and revenue sharing opportunities in the North, and help get critical minerals to power Ontario’s future." — On Your Side, retrieved 2025-02-22

  • Sign resource revenue agreements to share revenues equitably with First Nations, with First Nations receiving 100% of mining tax revenues

    "An NDP government will ensure, through resource revenue agreements that revenues are equitably shared and flow to First Nations, including 100% of mining tax revenues." — On Your Side, retrieved 2025-02-22

  • Formalise a commitment to a tripartite consultation process on any proposed resource extraction plan impacting First Nations territories

    "And we’ll formalize our commitment to a tripartite consultation process between First Nations rights holders, the provincial government, and resource industries on any proposed plan impacting First Nations territories." — On Your Side, retrieved 2025-02-22

Oil and gas

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We don't have any Liberal policies on Oil and gas.


  • Support pipelines, including Energy East, Northern Gateway, and Keystone XL

    "Supporting pipelines, rail lines and other critical infrastructure projects that create greater export opportunities for Canada’s oil, gas, critical minerals, agricultural and other natural resources to reach new markets. A re-elected PC government stands ready to support Energy East, Northern Gateway and pipeline projects to Canada’s northern coast. With renewed American cooperation and partnership, Ontario would support the construction of the Keystone XL pipeline project." —, retrieved 2025-02-20

We don't have any ONDP policies on Oil and gas.

Ontario's Greenbelt

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We don't have any PC policies on Ontario's Greenbelt.


  • Focus urban growth within pre-2022 urban boundaries to protect the Greenbelt and prime farmland, and keep infrastructure costs down

    "We will protect the Greenbelt, and Ontario’s prime farmland, by focusing growth sustainably and cost-effectively within the pre-2022 urban boundaries, keeping infrastructure costs down in the process." — On Your Side, retrieved 2025-02-22

Power generation

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We don't have any Liberal policies on Power generation.


  • Ban Chinese state-owned companies from buying/taking equity in provincially-funded energy, critical mineral, or big infrastructure projects
  • Build new interties to neighbouring jurisdictions to export power

    "Building new interties to neighbouring jurisdictions to export power and create greater regional influence, including new and reinforced transmission into Quebec and the United States." — Our Plan to Protect Ontario, retrieved 2025-02-26

  • Seek rapid and streamlined approval processes for new nuclear plants

    "A re-elected PC government would seek rapid and streamlined approval processes for new nuclear projects from the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission (CNSC)." — Our Plan to Protect Ontario, retrieved 2025-02-26

  • Develop an integrated energy plan

    "Developing Ontario’s first integrated energy plan, including all energy resources such as hydroelectricity, natural gas and other fuels." —, retrieved 2025-02-19

  • Refurbish and expand nuclear power

    "Refurbishing existing nuclear energy generation at the Pickering and Darlington generating stations, expanding nuclear energy generation at Bruce Power, exploring new nuclear energy generation in Port Hope, and building Canada’s first small modular reactors at Darlington Nuclear Generating Station." —, retrieved 2025-02-19

  • Review and modernise the mandates of the Ontario Energy Board and Ontario's Independent Electricity Service Operator

    "Reviewing and modernizing the mandates of the Ontario Energy Board and Ontario’s Independent Electricity Service Operator to ensure that both the regulator and the system planner support the objective of significantly growing Ontario’s generation, transmission and export capacity to support job creation, investment attraction and economic growth. A re-elected PC government will ensure Ontario Power Generation prioritizes supporting these objectives, in alignment with the integrated energy plan." — Our Plan to Protect Ontario, retrieved 2025-02-26

  • Ban Chinese components from all future energy procurements
  • Refurbish and expand hydroelectric power generation

    "Refurbishing and expanding hydroelectricity generation, including supporting Ontario Power Generation’s $4 billion investments in hydroelectricity generation in Niagara and in Northern and Eastern Ontario." —, retrieved 2025-02-19

  • Build new energy transmission infrastructure across the province
  • Procure enough battery energy storage to power three million homes

    "Securing the largest battery energy storage procurement in Canadian history, with enough storage to power three million homes." —, retrieved 2025-02-19

  • Develop a strategic framework for energy-intensive data centres

    "Developing a strategic framework for energy-intensive data centres to ensure better strategic planning (such as co-locating power generation with data centre assets) and prioritization based on provincial priorities, such as data and national security, job creation and regional economic development in the north." — Our Plan to Protect Ontario, retrieved 2025-02-26


  • Invest in clean energy and efficiency from a mix of non-emitting sources, storage, and conservation

    "We will ensure an abundant supply of reliable and affordable energy, towards a legislated target of achieving a net- zero economy no later than 2050. We will make evidence-based and cost- effective investments in clean energy and efficiency from a mix of non-emitting sources, storage and conservation." — On Your Side, retrieved 2025-02-22

Public transit

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  • Take ownership of the Ottawa LRT and expand it
  • Hire 300 more special constables for the TTC, OC Transpo, Metrolinks, and other major transit providers

    "Hire an additional 300 special constables for TTC, OC Transpo, Metrolinx and other major transit service providers across the province." — Getting the Basics Right: A Plan to Do More For You, retrieved 2025-02-22

  • Provide operational funding for safety equipment like cameras for transit services
  • Electrify and increase GO service throught the GTA and southwestern Ontario
  • Install platform doors in all TTC subway stations


  • Take control of Ottawa's LRT network, and integrate it with Metrolinx

    "A re-elected PC government would upload the Ottawa LRT, subject to due diligence, and integrate its operations under Metrolinx. This integration would create new opportunities to reduce costs and improve services through greater economies of scale and expertise in managing large projects, particularly as the LRT project completes Stage 2 and begins Stage 3 expansion." —, retrieved 2025-02-19

  • Seek to build a freight rail bypass along the Highway 407 corridor in the Peel Region to free up existing rails for passenger train service

    "Working in partnership with the federal government, CPKC and CN to ensure continued and reliable freight rail access throughout the region, a re-elected PC government would seek to build a freight rail bypass along the Highway 407 corridor in Peel Region that would take freight rail around the City of Toronto to reduce congestion and free up existing rail capacity for passenger train service." —, retrieved 2025-02-19

  • Build multiple new GO rail lines

    "When fully realized, GO 2.0 would support the creation of multiple new lines, including a line running through mid-town Toronto, a line from Bolton to Union Station via Woodbridge and Etobicoke, as well as extensions and improvements to existing lines, including Richmond Hill." —, retrieved 2025-02-19

  • Provide two-way, all-day GO rail service for Milton and Kitchener
  • Move up the Sheppard East subway extension to connect the TTC's Line 4 with the Scarborough Subway Extension at Sheppard Ave E & McGowan Rd

    "Moving up the Sheppard East subway extension to connect the TTC’s Line 4 with the Scarborough Subway Extension at Sheppard Ave. East and McCowan Road." —, retrieved 2025-02-19

  • Install charging plug ports, cup holders, and improved wifi on all Metrolinx GO trains and Northlander trains

    "Install charging plug ports, cup holders and improved Wi-Fi on all Metrolinx GO trains and Northlander trains to make travelling and commuting more convenient and enjoyable." — Our Plan to Protect Ontario, retrieved 2025-02-26

  • Extend the Hazel McCallion LRT by building the Mississauga loop and bringing the line into downtown Brampton via a tunnel

    "Extend the Hazel McCallion LRT by building the Mississauga loop and bringing the line into downtown Brampton, including tunnelling the Brampton portion of the transitway." — Our Plan to Protect Ontario, retrieved 2025-02-26


  • Fund Phase 2 of the Waterloo ION LRT
  • Include the Mississauga Loop as part of the Hazel McCallion Line
  • Extend LRT into downtown Brampton
  • Cost share municipal transit operating funding 50-50

    "We’ll cost share municipal transit operating funding 50-50 to improve reliability and affordability." — On Your Side: The Ontario NDP Plan for Southwest Ontario & Niagara, retrieved 2025-02-20

  • Expand the GO Lakeshore West rail line, build the Grimsby GO station, and restore reliable express GO service

    "Commuters in Niagara will finally be able to ride on the long-planned and long-delayed expansions and improvements to the GO Lakeshore West rail line, including moving ahead on the Grimsby GO station and restoring reliable express GO service." — On Your Side: The Ontario NDP Plan for Southwest Ontario & Niagara, retrieved 2025-02-20

  • Provide two-way all-day GO service to Kitchener, Guelph, Brampton, Niagara, London, and Bowmanville

Reducing greenhouse gas emissions

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  • Cancel the provincial carbon tax on industrial emitters

    "Axe Doug Ford’s carbon tax and develop a Made in Ontario environmental action plan in conjunction with the federal government and other provinces that protects Ontario’s land, water, air, biodiversity and communities." — Getting the Basics Right: A Plan to Do More For You, retrieved 2025-02-22


  • Invest $30M in a new Hydrogen Innovation Fund

    "Investing $30 million to launch the Hydrogen Innovation Fund and updating the provincial hydrogen strategy to position Ontario as a global leader in hydrogen fuel." — Our Plan to Protect Ontario, retrieved 2025-02-26

We don't have any ONDP policies on Reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

Walkable, bikeable communities

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We don't have any Liberal policies on Walkable, bikeable communities.


  • Remove bike lanes from busy streets, including Bloor Street West, Younge Street, and University Ave

    "Return sanity to bike lanes by removing them from the busiest streets in the province, starting with Bloor Street West, Yonge Street and University Avenue in Toronto, and replacing them on secondary roads." — Our Plan to Protect Ontario, retrieved 2025-02-26

  • Block any future municipal bike lanes that would reduce vehicle traffic lanes

    "The province will veto and block any future municipal bike lanes that would eliminate a lane of vehicle traffic." — Our Plan to Protect Ontario, retrieved 2025-02-26

We don't have any ONDP policies on Walkable, bikeable communities.

Water and watersheds

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We don't have any Liberal policies on Water and watersheds.
We don't have any PC policies on Water and watersheds.


  • Immediately clean up the mercury in the English-Wabigoon River system


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We don't have any Liberal policies on Wildfires.


  • Purchase six new waterbombers over the next ten years

    "Today, Ontario PC candidates Graydon Smith and Prabmeet Sarkaria were in Seguin Township to announce that a re-elected PC government will help protect Northern Ontario homes, businesses and communities from wildfires by purchasing six new waterbombers, for a total of $530 million. These new waterbombers would be phased in over the next 10 years, bringing the total number of provincial waterbombers to 15." —, retrieved 2025-02-19


  • Compensate wildfire first responders as fire fighters, and recognise occupational diseases from fighting wildfires

    "We will continue to stand behind our brave wildfire firefighters as they battle increasingly severe wildfires during longer fire seasons due to climate change. An Ontario NDP government will recognize these first responders to be firefighters, so that they may be fairly compensated for their service, and we will remove all barriers to any occupational diseases, such as cancers associated with firefighting, from being recognized by the workplace compensation system." — On Your Side: The Ontario NDP Plan for the North, retrieved 2025-02-20