Communist's promises
Food costs
Communist's promise
Fuel and transportation costs
Communist's promises
Post-secondary costs and loans
Communist's promises
Communist's promise
Public transit
Communist's promise
Tax measures and rebates
Communist's promises
Climate Change & the Environment
Public transit
Communist's promise
Communist's promises
Indigenous learning
Communist's promises
K-12 funding
Communist's promises
LGBTQ+ students
Communist's promise
Post-secondary costs and loans
Communist's promises
Post-secondary institutions and funding
Communist's promise
School construction and upgrades
Communist's promises
School curriculum
Communist's promises
School nutrition
Communist's promise
To ensure that every person in the province has access to a proper diet.
Communist's promise
Health & Healthcare
Drugs and addiction
Communist's promises
Funding community centres specifically for drug users, making rehabilitation centres a public utility with services provided free of charge, and increasing peer-driven and community-focused education programs.
Utilize increased public revenue to finance comprehensive public health care services including alcohol addiction treatment.
To ensure a safe and free supply of drugs to users through prescription programs along with humane treatment plans in order to prevent further overdose deaths.
Health staffing
Communist's promise
Communist's promises
Long-term care
Communist's promise
This includes funding for adequate and well-paid staff and sufficient protective equipment and procedures.
Prescription drugs and pharmacare
Communist's promises
This includes temporary foreign workers, international students, and refugees; and eliminate health premiums, co-payments and the University Health Insurance Plan (UHIP).
Housing & Homelessness
Home construction and supply
Communist's promises
To support people leaving situations of domestic violence, incarceration, homelessness or shelters.
Homeless services
Communist's promises
Public and affordable housing
Communist's promises
Communist's promise
Jobs, Businesses, & Labour
Communist's promise
Communist's promise
Transportation & Transit
Fuel and transportation costs
Communist's promises
Public transit
Communist's promise
They may still in the future!
Jeanne McGuire is a former public sector worker who has been employed in education, health and recreation. She was active in the trade union movement as a member and held various executive positions. An early participant in the movement for women’s equality, she has written and spoken extensively on the issue. Jeanne joined the Communist Party of Canada in 2016 as she realized that capitalism could not solve the biggest issues facing the people of Ontario, Canada or the world.
“Capitalism cannot solve the climate crisis, it is unable to halt the slide into greater and greater economic inequality, it has created and is unwilling to end homelessness and food insecurity, it is unable to offer the young a future of full employment. That is why I joined the Communist Party and that is why I am running in this election. Working people deserve more than they are getting from the economy and the political parties that represent the interests of those who own the corporations that dominate the economy.”
To contact Jeanne’s campaign, send an email to: