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Dave Annis

PPC candidate for London Centre
I would strengthen free speech and property rights, and criminalize money printing, which is the main cause of inflation.


submitted by the candidate or their team
Dave is an advocate for free speech, liberty, property rights, and less government. Money printing is driving up inflation, lowering your purchasing power. The gov't prints money through debt. Canadian banks print money through fractional reserve banking. Dave wants to stop it.

Dave Annis is the PPC candidate for the London Centre riding. Born in Oshawa, he moved to Lucan, north of London, as a young boy. Dave spent fifteen years there before relocating to London, where he has resided ever since.

Dave is a single father of three daughters, two of whom work in Toronto and one who works in London.

An avid reader and writer, Dave earned a degree in English from Western University. He then pursued a teaching career, starting as an elementary teacher with the Thames Valley District School Board in 1995. After many years teaching grades seven and eight, he became a vice-principal in 2019, a role from which he retired from in January of 2025. Dave is a lifelong learner, frequently engaging with essays, articles, podcasts, and books on topics such as Austrian economics and Canadian political issues.

Dave's decision to enter politics was driven by concerns for the future of his daughters and friends. The government's handling of the pandemic prompted him to reassess his views on Canada. Inspired by Dr. Jordan Peterson's call to civic duty, Dave chose to act. He believes that people are afraid to speak out for fear of losing their jobs and is committed to being their voice. Dave intends to be a shield for Canadians and speak on their behalf until it's once again safe for Canadians to speak freely. Dave was drawn to the PPC's principles of freedom, responsibility, fairness, and respect, which resonate deeply with him.

Reason for running

submitted by the candidate or their team
My children do not have the same opportunities I had when I was their age. Inflation is skyrocketing. Freedoms are being trampled. I want to make Canada better so that everyone benefits, not just small groups.

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