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Andrew Shanaida

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Weyburn born & raised. My wife Alison and I just celebrated our 30 years. We raised our 3 children in their early years out in Alberta; as did many other young people of the time who could not find enough work here. Fortunately we were afforded the opportunity to move back in 2004, right before the big oil boom kicked off and have remained since, amongst our long time friends and family.

The majority of my career I spent as a Journeyman Machinist. I have been both an employee & employer, so I have been on both sides of that fence and as such have a very good understanding of how important mutual respect is between the two. I have also taken on many jobs, from baking cakes to coordinating subcontractors for a property management corporation. Whatever would help pay the bills & put food on the table for the family

Politics - my father used to say there are two types of people


Number 1 - mainly those who get off on controlling others, but also include those who want to be controlled or in some cases need to be controlled




Number 2 - those who want to take responsibility for themselves, loved ones and their local community, be just, and subscribe to common sense


  • Maybe not in so many words, but one gets the point

As such, I myself never did seek to hold office; that was not my initial intent. Through the Buffalo Party's formative years I did offer close support & also helped write some of the currently standing Buffalo Party's policies. My goal was to help restore common sense to a complacent political landscape via a new Party. A Party whose values and fresh start / grassroots 'operating system' made the most sense as a vehicle to accomplish this.

The leader of the Buffalo Party Phil Zajac asked me to step forward and run for Weyburn - Bengough and I obliged - so here I am. 

If elected, one of the Buffalo Party's objectives would be to secure the right to develop & process our resources at our own discretion. This includes alternative energy, but only the ones that make sense. When I say this, I'm referring to alternative energy projects which aren't the product of opportunists trying to cash in on Green-washing schemes

Taking control of our resources would ensure availability to RESIDENTS at affordable costs, FREE FROM GLOBAL MARKET PRICING, foreign influence or un-elected Globalist policies & constraints such as Carbon taxes or BS Cap and Trade hidden Carbon taxes. Developers would still be allowed to export, but RESIDENTS get priority and greatly discounted pricing

It's right under our feet! It belongs to the long standing RESIDENTS that built this province 

Another focus the Buffalo Party would take on is De-Centralization in order to grow the province's communities in a literal sense. Doing so would promote job growth & exponentially keep pace to meet the economic demands as well as the 'as required' infrastructure projects. A hypothetical example of this would say for example, approve a much needed traffic rail overpass vs approving a bypass that totally blows past a city's economic center. Or, train & increase hospital workers, EMT services and support staff to take the burden off the existing crisis. Add an additional wing to an undersized hospital construction project, rather than risk $100 million on secured loans for a new 'laundromat'

Local residents are very concerned about these new windmills. One of the concerns that was brought to my attention was talk regarding a questionable zero expiry date, land lease agreement to the involved "Qualified Foreign Corporation". An investor partnership, with the cloaked in 'UNDRIP-esque' Six Nations Energy Development LP; of which little information on structure & board members etc. can be readily found. As an aside; this project is not being constructed on designated First Nations Reserve land. I'll have to get more detail on that; however, the first thing that came to my mind was the effect it will have on a key North American migratory bird corridor. Anyone who has lived here long enough knows how important this route is & I can attest, there is a large water-body on the south end of the RM of Fillmore with eagles and cranes as well as the more numerous geese that would be directly affected

The Buffalo Party early on had member submitted, standing policy specifically addressing large scale wind farm, wind wake - property owner issue. You can find it in our Policy Energy section.

If elected, I will do my best to keep up & provide the best solutions possible which are in the best interests of the constituency, and not let myself get swayed by a handful of those who stand to benefit from their own myopic agendas at the expense of our community's future. I will guard against foreign influence and tactics that present in all forms of Neo-Malthusian policies, which currently, as an intended effect, are retarding, devolving and reshaping our local communities. Into what? We don't know, but it isn't good.

I encourage readers (or listeners) to visit the Buffalo Party Policy section of their website & see for themselves what they could be contributing to from the grassroots. Some of our pre-existing policies have been co-opted by the other parties - just go look and judge for yourself


Don't fall victim to the fear based society that others have given into. This includes the wore out, fear mongering phrase about "splitting the vote". Don't let yourself fall back into the trap of 'settling'; . . . a vote sacrificed, based on choosing the lesser of evils. Ask yourself if it is time stand your ground and vote for what your heart & your mind is telling you is right. Are you at that point yet?

I will do my best to be fair and just while restoring common sense and guarding the best interests for the constituents of Weyburn Bengough 

 Email: [email protected] 


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