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Terri Bromm


Post-secondary costs and loans

Sask Party's promise

Increase the Graduate Retention Program benefit by 20% for new post-secondary graduates

"The Graduate Retention Program benefit will be increased by 20 per cent for new post-secondary graduates, increasing the maximum benefit from $20,000 to $24,000." — Our Plan for a Strong Economy and a Bright Future, retrieved 2024-10-19

Seniors' benefits

Sask Party's promise

Increase the Personal Care Home Benefit to $3,500/mo

"The Personal Care Home Benefit amount will be increased by $1,000 per month, from $2,500 to $3,500 a month." — Our Plan for a Strong Economy and a Bright Future, retrieved 2024-10-19

Tax measures and rebates

Sask Party's promises

Reduce income taxes

"A Saskatchewan Party government will reduce income taxes again for every taxpayer in Saskatchewan.

  1. A family of four will save more than $3,400 over the next four years under the Saskatchewan Party Plan.
  2. A senior couple will save more than $3,100 over the next four years under the Saskatchewan Party Plan.
  3. The plan will result in another 54,000 low-income individuals no longer paying provincial income tax – in addition to the 112,000 individuals who already pay no income tax because of previous Saskatchewan Party income tax reductions."

Our Plan for a Strong Economy and a Bright Future, retrieved 2024-10-19

Increase the Low-Income Tax Credit by 20% over four years

"The Saskatchewan Low-Income Tax Credit will increase by 20 per cent over the next four years." — Our Plan for a Strong Economy and a Bright Future, retrieved 2024-10-19

Utility costs

Sask Party's promises

Continue to exempt home heating from the carbon price for another year

"The Saskatchewan Party carbon tax exemption on home heating will be renewed for another year, saving households $481 per year when the Trudeau-NDP government increases the carbon tax next April." — Our Plan for a Strong Economy and a Bright Future, retrieved 2024-10-19

Invest almost $9.5 billion in Crown utilities over the next four years

"A re-elected Saskatchewan Party government will invest almost $9.5 billion in Saskatchewan’s Crown sector over the next four years – the largest capital investment in the history of Saskatchewan’s Crowns." — Our Plan for a Strong Economy and a Bright Future, retrieved 2024-10-19

Climate Change & the Environment

Mining and minerals

Sask Party's promise

Undertake legal action to assert provincial jurisdiction over the natural resources and electricity sectors

"A re-elected Saskatchewan Party government will undertake legal action as required to assert provincial jurisdiction over our natural resources and electricity sector to protect Saskatchewan’s economy." — Our Plan for a Strong Economy and a Bright Future, retrieved 2024-10-19

Oil and gas industry

Sask Party's promises

Provide 10% of global helium demand by 2030

"The Saskatchewan Party government also released Saskatchewan’s Helium Action Plan: From Exploration to Export, with a goal to have Saskatchewan supply ten per cent of global helium demand by 2030." — Our Plan for a Strong Economy and a Bright Future, retrieved 2024-10-19

Undertake legal action to assert provincial jurisdiction over the natural resources and electricity sectors

"A re-elected Saskatchewan Party government will undertake legal action as required to assert provincial jurisdiction over our natural resources and electricity sector to protect Saskatchewan’s economy." — Our Plan for a Strong Economy and a Bright Future, retrieved 2024-10-19

Power generation

Sask Party's promise

Undertake legal action to assert provincial jurisdiction over the natural resources and electricity sectors

"A re-elected Saskatchewan Party government will undertake legal action as required to assert provincial jurisdiction over our natural resources and electricity sector to protect Saskatchewan’s economy." — Our Plan for a Strong Economy and a Bright Future, retrieved 2024-10-19


Post-secondary costs and loans

Sask Party's promise

Increase the Graduate Retention Program benefit by 20% for new post-secondary graduates

"The Graduate Retention Program benefit will be increased by 20 per cent for new post-secondary graduates, increasing the maximum benefit from $20,000 to $24,000." — Our Plan for a Strong Economy and a Bright Future, retrieved 2024-10-19

Student mental health

Sask Party's promise

Expand the Mental Health Capacity Building in Schools programme to all 27 school divisions over the next 5 years

"Five schools were added to the Mental Health Capacity Building in Schools program in 2024-25, for a total of 15 schools. The Saskatchewan Party government is committed to further expanding the program to all 27 school divisions over the next five years." — Our Plan for a Strong Economy and a Bright Future, retrieved 2024-10-19

Transgender rights and supports

Sask Party's promise

Ban transgender girls from using girls' change rooms



Sask Party's promise

Provide a new cervix self-screening programme allowing women to use a self-sampling kit sent in the mail to test for HPV

"A new cervix self-screening program will provide women with the option to receive a self-sampling kit in the mail to test for the Human Papillomavirus (HPV) as an alternative to the Pap test." — Our Plan for a Strong Economy and a Bright Future, retrieved 2024-10-19


Sask Party's promise

Expand coverage for flash and continuous glucose monitoring systems and supplies for seniors and adults under 25

"Coverage for Flash and Continuous Glucose Monitoring systems and supplies will be expanded, at no cost, to seniors who use insulin to manage their diabetes and meet medical criteria.

Coverage for Flash and Continuous Glucose Monitoring systems and supplies will be expanded, at no cost, to young adults ages 25 and under who use insulin to manage their diabetes and meet medical criteria."

Our Plan for a Strong Economy and a Bright Future, retrieved 2024-10-19

Drugs and addiction

Sask Party's promise

Add 287 more addiction beds

"The Saskatchewan Party has set a target of 500 new addictions treatment spaces over the next five years. 213 of those 500 spaces have been announced or opened." — Our Plan for a Strong Economy and a Bright Future, retrieved 2024-10-19

Sexual and reproductive health

Sask Party's promise

Create a tax credit to cover 50% of the cost of a first fertility treatment, up to a $10K benefit

"A new tax credit will cover 50 per cent of the cost of a first fertility treatment and related prescription drug costs up to $20,000, for a $10,000 benefit." — Our Plan for a Strong Economy and a Bright Future, retrieved 2024-10-19

Housing & Homelessness

Home purchases and ownership

Sask Party's promises

Increase the First-Time Homebuyers Tax Credit from $10K to $14K, increasing the benefit from $1,050 to $1,575
Allow people to claim up to $4,000/year in home renovation expenses for a $420 tax credit, with an additional amount for seniors

"The Saskatchewan Home Renovation Tax Credit will allow individuals and families to claim up to $4,000 annually in home renovation expenses, for savings up to $420 per year. Seniors will be able to claim an additional $1,000 in expenses, for savings up to $525 per year." — Our Plan for a Strong Economy and a Bright Future, retrieved 2024-10-19

Homeless services

Sask Party's promise

Expand Complex Needs Emergency Shelter facilities to more communities

Jobs, Businesses, & Labour

Economic growth

Sask Party's promise

Increase private capital investment to $16B/year by 2030

"Deliver on Saskatchewan’s Investment Attraction Strategy to advance the Growth Plan goal of increasing private capital investment to $16 billion annually by 2030." — Our Plan for a Strong Economy and a Bright Future, retrieved 2024-10-19

Mining and minerals

Sask Party's promise

Undertake legal action to assert provincial jurisdiction over the natural resources and electricity sectors

"A re-elected Saskatchewan Party government will undertake legal action as required to assert provincial jurisdiction over our natural resources and electricity sector to protect Saskatchewan’s economy." — Our Plan for a Strong Economy and a Bright Future, retrieved 2024-10-19

Oil and gas industry

Sask Party's promises

Provide 10% of global helium demand by 2030

"The Saskatchewan Party government also released Saskatchewan’s Helium Action Plan: From Exploration to Export, with a goal to have Saskatchewan supply ten per cent of global helium demand by 2030." — Our Plan for a Strong Economy and a Bright Future, retrieved 2024-10-19

Undertake legal action to assert provincial jurisdiction over the natural resources and electricity sectors

"A re-elected Saskatchewan Party government will undertake legal action as required to assert provincial jurisdiction over our natural resources and electricity sector to protect Saskatchewan’s economy." — Our Plan for a Strong Economy and a Bright Future, retrieved 2024-10-19

Startups and small businesses

Sask Party's promises

Introduce a $5K rebate to partially offset the cost of Class 1 Truck Driver Training

"A new $5,000 rebate will be introduced to partially offset the cost of Class 1 Truck Driver Training." — Our Plan for a Strong Economy and a Bright Future, retrieved 2024-10-19

Provide $5K bursaries to young entrepreneurs

"A new Saskatchewan Young Entrepreneur Bursary, that will provide $5,000 bursaries to young entrepreneurs to help them develop their business." — Our Plan for a Strong Economy and a Bright Future, retrieved 2024-10-19

"A re-elected Saskatchewan Party government will provide an annual grant of $285,000 to the Saskatchewan Chamber of Commerce. The grant will be distributed to local Chambers to provide a $5,000 bursary to a local young entrepreneur to help them develop their business." — Our Plan for a Strong Economy and a Bright Future, retrieved 2024-10-19

Encourage growth in the tech sector, including through the Saskatchewan Technology Startup Incentive

"Advance the growth of Saskatchewan’s technology and innovation sectors, through incentives such as the Saskatchewan Technology Startup Incentive (STSI) to encourage investment in early-stage technology startups." — Our Plan for a Strong Economy and a Bright Future, retrieved 2024-10-19

Create a new small business investment tax credit

"A re-elected Saskatchewan Party government will work with the Saskatchewan Chamber of Commerce and its member Chamber, the Saskatoon Chamber of Commerce, to develop and pilot a new investment tax credit to help SMEs scale their businesses.

As proposed by the Chambers, the credit would provide a non-refundable tax credit to individuals and businesses that invested in eligible SMEs with less than 50 employees."

Our Plan for a Strong Economy and a Bright Future, retrieved 2024-10-19

Keep the small business tax rate at 1%


Sask Party's promise

Support Tourism Saskatchewan and future event-hosting

"Support Tourism Saskatchewan and future event- hosting to achieve the Growth Plan goal of increasing annual tourist expenditures by 50 per cent annually by 2030." — Our Plan for a Strong Economy and a Bright Future, retrieved 2024-10-19

Society & Government


Sask Party's promise

Return to balanced budgets by 2027-28


Sask Party's promise

Invest an additional $17.9 billion into infrastructure

"The 2024-25 Budget introduces the largest capital budget in Saskatchewan’s history, with $4.4 billion allocated for provincial projects.

Over the next four years, a re-elected Saskatchewan Party government will invest an additional $17.9 billion into infrastructure, beginning with this year’s Budget."

Our Plan for a Strong Economy and a Bright Future, retrieved 2024-10-19

People with disabilities

Sask Party's promises

Increase the Disability Tax Credit and Disability Tax Credit Supplement for people under 18 by 25%

"The Disability Tax Credit and Disability Tax Credit Supplement for persons under 18 will be increased by 25 per cent, increasing the maximum benefit of both credits by $286." — Our Plan for a Strong Economy and a Bright Future, retrieved 2024-10-19

Increase the annual allowable income for people receiving the Saskatchewan Assured Income for Disabilities benefit by $1,000

"The amount that clients receiving the Saskatchewan Assured Income for Disabilities (SAID) benefit can earn without reducing their benefit will increase by $1,000 per year." — Our Plan for a Strong Economy and a Bright Future, retrieved 2024-10-19

Increase the Caregiver Tax Credit for families who care for adult children by 25%

"The Caregiver Tax Credit for families who care for adult children will also be increased by 25 percent, increasing the maximum benefit by $286." — Our Plan for a Strong Economy and a Bright Future, retrieved 2024-10-19

Public safety

Sask Party's promises

Fund over 500 more police and law enforcement officers

"Over 500 more police and law enforcement officers will be funded to keep Saskatchewan communities and neighborhoods safer over the next four years, including 100 new municipal police and law enforcement officers and 14 new Safer Community and Neighborhood officers." — Our Plan for a Strong Economy and a Bright Future, retrieved 2024-10-19

"A re-elected Saskatchewan Party government will fund over 500 more police and law enforcement officers to protect our communities and neighborhoods, including:

  1. 192 new RCMP officers added since 2011
  2. Funding committed for an additional 180 RCMP officers
  3. Funding for 100 new police officers and law enforcement officials.
  4. Adding 14 new Safer Communities and Neighborhoods (SCAN) officers.
  5. Adding 70 new officers through the Saskatchewan Marshall Service."

Our Plan for a Strong Economy and a Bright Future, retrieved 2024-10-19

Empower Safer Communities and Neighborhoods officers to address public intoxication, vandalism, and people "behaving in a disruptive manner"

"Additional authority to address public safety issues such as intoxication on public property, vandalism, and individuals behaving in a disruptive manner on public property or in public spaces like a shopping mall." — Our Plan for a Strong Economy and a Bright Future, retrieved 2024-10-19

Provide $2.5M over three years to the Saskatchewan Police College to improve training

"To ensure there are enough officers being trained to fill new positions and existing vacancies, a re-elected Saskatchewan Party government will provide $2.5 million over three years to the Saskatchewan Police College to enhance training and ensure the long-term stability of the college." — Our Plan for a Strong Economy and a Bright Future, retrieved 2024-10-19

Empower Safer Communities and Neighborhoods officers to shut down abandoned or vacant nuisance properties

"A strengthened Safer Communities and Neighborhoods (SCAN) Act will provide more authority to police and SCAN officers to address social disorder in our communities, including providing SCAN officers with the authority to shut down abandoned / vacant nuisance properties and for police and law enforcement officials to address public safety issues such as public intoxication, vandalism and disruptive behaviour in public spaces." — Our Plan for a Strong Economy and a Bright Future, retrieved 2024-10-19

Sports and recreation

Sask Party's promises

Double the Active Families Benefit to $300/child/year, and double the maximum income threshold to qualify

"The Active Families Benefit will be doubled from $150 to $300 per child annually and the income threshold to qualify for the benefit will also double, so that more families can benefit." — Our Plan for a Strong Economy and a Bright Future, retrieved 2024-10-19

Provide $3.75M/year to fund 50% of new playground equipment

"A new school playground equipment fund will provide $3.75 million annually to help fund 50 per cent of the cost of new playground equipment. The grant is expected to fund 300 school playground projects over the next four years." — Our Plan for a Strong Economy and a Bright Future, retrieved 2024-10-19

Double the Community Rink Affordability Grant to $5,000 per indoor rink

"The Community Rink Affordability Grant will be doubled, from $2,500 to $5,000 per indoor ice surface for curling and skating rinks across the province." — Our Plan for a Strong Economy and a Bright Future, retrieved 2024-10-19

Transgender rights and supports

Sask Party's promise

Ban transgender girls from using girls' change rooms
This candidate hasn't added promises to VoteMate.

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from their website

Terri Bromm is the 2024 Saskatchewan Party nominated candidate for Carrot River Valley.

Terri, a graduate with a Bachelor of Science in Pharmacy from the University of Saskatchewan, has been a pharmacist for twenty-five years and has worked in a number of communities including Tisdale, Nipawin and Arborfield. She currently works as the Business Development Officer for Community Futures Newsask in Tisdale.

In addition, Terri has served on Tisdale Town Council, public service boards, and the Saskatchewan College of Pharmacists.

Terri and her husband Ian have two grown children.

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