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Jobs, Businesses, & Labour

Manufacturing platforms

Here's what the 2025 Ontario election parties are promising.


  • Continue to invest in the electric vehicle and battery auto pact, even if the US pulls back on its investments

    "Maintaining Ontario’s financial contributions to the electric vehicle and battery auto pact, which has attracted more than $45 billion in global investments in the province, including by Stellantis and LG Energy Solutions in Windsor and Volkswagen in St Thomas. A re-elected PC government would continue to make these investments regardless of any decision by the U.S. on the future of the IRA.

    Advocating that the federal government do the same, whoever is in office." —, retrieved 2025-02-19

  • Invest an additional $100M in the Better Jobs Ontario programme to provide skills training

    "Investing an additional $100 million in the Better Jobs Ontario program to help workers access skills training and transition into in-demand jobs, including a fast-track stream for workers in sectors that are vulnerable to trade disruptions." —, retrieved 2025-02-19

  • If layoffs happen, invest $38M to provide immediate employment transition supports to affected workers

    "Investing $38 million to mobilize action centres in the event of layoffs to provide immediate employment transition supports to affected workers, including job retraining assistance, career counselling and more." —, retrieved 2025-02-19

  • Invest an additional $1B in the Skills Development Fund

    "Investing an additional $1 billion in the Skills Development Fund, on top of the existing $1.5 billion investment, to urgently expand existing training and employment programs and help workers gain valuable skills for rewarding careers in the skilled trades." —, retrieved 2025-02-19


  • Provide income-tested electric vehicle rebates, with some electric vehicles produced overseas exempted from incentives

    "We will help Ontario drivers make the switch to EVs to save money and support Ontario’s auto sector, with income-tested rebates towards the purchase of an eligible new or used battery-electric vehicle or plug-in hybrid. Electric Vehicles produced overseas will be exempt from incentives where corporate leadership are hell-bent on destroying the Canadian economy." — On Your Side, retrieved 2025-02-22

  • Double the maximum amount and broaden the eligibility of the Ontario Made Manufacturing Tax Credit, and extend its life to 10 years

    "We will expand the Ontario Made Manufacturing Tax Credit, doubling the maximum amount and broadening the eligibility to include advanced manufacturing applications, and we'd extend the life of the tax credit to 10 years to enable long term investment." — On Your Side, retrieved 2025-02-22

  • Require the Ontario Line subway project to have 25% Canadian content

    "We will restore Canadian Content requirements that Ford changed for the Ontario Line subway project back to 25 per cent, to make sure Ontario transit projects use Ontario made vehicles like those built in Thunder Bay. Northern communities have lost thousands of good paying manufacturing jobs since 2018. We will work with unions, employers and communities in Algoma, Timmins, Scheiber and Terrace Bay to protect jobs and the communities built around industries." — On Your Side: The Ontario NDP Plan for the North, retrieved 2025-02-20

We don't have any Liberal policies on Manufacturing.
We don't have any Green policies on Manufacturing.

Looking for the parties' positions on other topics?

See our full 2025 Ontario election platform comparison