This is a page from the 2025 Ontario general election.
Infinite growth on a finite planet is not sustainable. Anthropogenic Near Term Abrupt Climate Change is here. Prepare for the worst. Nothing will get better. Delusional denial will not save you.
Reduced. I am the only candidate that will promise you nothing.
Food costs
A member of Ontario Provincial Parliament has little, if no influence on this. I promise you nothing.
Fuel and transportation costs
The cost of energy will continue to rise regardless. I promise to tax the price of carbon aggressively.
Technology is our tool but it is not the answer. I promise to subsidize alternative energy sources.
Behaviour change is the only solution. I promise to become responsible for your hardships.
Post-secondary costs and loans
I promise to support higher education. The elite would have me do otherwise.
Technology is making the poor. I promise to make basic income jobs available in place of machinery.
The population of the earth will triple in my life. Poverty is not going away. I promise to ignore it like everyone else.
Public transit
Rapid mass transit is part of a carbon transition plan. I promise to offer basic services that connect to expanded intercity networks.
Seniors' benefits
I am going to be one soon. I better support that ay?
I promise to offer basic programs with reduced services.
Tax measures and rebates
I promise to tax what I think are bad behaviours and rebate what I think are good behaviours.
I promise to rebate tax specific to 15 minute city transitioning principles.
I promise to target tax specific to service required.
Utility costs
I promise to aggressively reappropriate any and all energy sources, support systems, distribution networks, and business operation assets.
I promise to make carbon expensive and anything and everything else cheap; dirt cheap.
Climate Change & the Environment
Climate adaptation
I promise to invest in sustainable recovery and protection and emergency equipment and hardware assets across all of Ontario NSEW.
Assets held by the Ontario Government are becoming more and more vulnerable, each day, from changing climate conditions.
Conservation and environmental protection
Humans have drained wetlands across the globe to a fraction of the natural environment. We have reorganized the ecosystem.
I promise to value nature and the resources around me.
I promise to recognize the delicate balance where life exists between the chaos of entropy and the perfection of order.
Get ready everybody because they are coming our way.
I promise to get up off my ass and go and help if a disaster happens in London Fanshawe electoral district 053.
Electric vehicles
Electric motive power is not new. Everybody is already beholding to it as part of our global supply chain economy. Even before "EV".
I promise to support all technology that prevents venting combusted petroleum products to change the chemical composition of our atmosphere.
Forestry and forest conservation
I promise to limit the amount of trees cut.
I promise limit opulent expansion.
Green construction and retrofits
Anything that stops oil is good.
I promise to support programs that encourage changing behaviours to energy conservation.
Everybody pollutes. I promise to ensure any and all extreme polluters are held to account.
I promise to be a minimal polluter, just like you.
Public transit
Rapid mass transit is part of a carbon transition plan. I promise to offer basic services that connect to expanded intercity networks.
Reducing greenhouse gas emissions
I promise to implement policies that will reduce the use of fossil fuels by the Government of Ontario and its subsidiaries.
Walkable, bikeable communities
Ontario has an expansive parks and recreation asset. I promise to maintain and care for these assets.
Water and watersheds
I promise to invest in flood control infrastructure in Ontario.
Reduced. I am the only candidate that will promise you nothing.
Indigenous learning
I promise to recognize the truth of our history and take responsibility for my actions today with such a school curriculum in Ontario.
International students
I promise to limit opportunities for foreign students and extend opportunities for domestic students.
K-12 funding
I promise to recognize the importance of teachers with fare and generous renumeration.
I promise to ensure schools are safe, equatable, and effective in the education of our aspiring citizens.
LGBTQ+ students
I promise to ensure that no type of oppression is acceptable in Ontario; and that all are afforded equal rights and freedoms.
I promise to advocate on behalf of any person, regardless of their age, as to their own choice of identity.
Post-secondary costs and loans
I promise to support higher education. The elite would have me do otherwise.
I promise to encourage on-the-job training for skills in all aspects of human endeavour.
Housing & Homelessness
I promise to encourage on-the-job training for skills in all aspects of human endeavour.
Jobs, Businesses, & Labour
Forestry and forest conservation
I promise to limit the amount of trees cut.
I promise limit opulent expansion.
Technology is making the poor. I promise to make basic income jobs available in place of machinery.
The population of the earth will triple in my life. Poverty is not going away. I promise to ignore it like everyone else.
I promise to encourage on-the-job training for skills in all aspects of human endeavour.
Society & Government
I promise to prioritize health, safety, security, and the environment as budgetary items.
Government favouritism and conflicts of interest
I promise to introduce legislation to protect political office holders from harm.
I promise that any person whom threatens either online, in person, or in print with harm shall be charged and if convicted, then inprisoned.
I promise that such legislation would prohibit threatening members of Provincial Parliament.
Indigenous women, girls, and 2-spirited people
I promise that I recognize that indigenous women are the most threatened demographic in Canada today.
Public safety
I promise to increase government regulation on the highways, in your backyards, in the lakes and rivers, to ensure public safety.
Transportation & Transit
Fuel and transportation costs
The cost of energy will continue to rise regardless. I promise to tax the price of carbon aggressively.
Technology is our tool but it is not the answer. I promise to subsidize alternative energy sources.
Behaviour change is the only solution. I promise to become responsible for your hardships.
Highways and roads
Ontario roads and highways grow more dangerous each day.
I promise to increase highway presence of police personnel and resources.
I promise to introduce a video surveillance system on Highways to identify and punish highway traffic act violators.
I promise to implement onboard realtime tracking and event recording for all commercial vehicles and operators.
Public transit
Rapid mass transit is part of a carbon transition plan. I promise to offer basic services that connect to expanded intercity networks.
Walkable, bikeable communities
Ontario has an expansive parks and recreation asset. I promise to maintain and care for these assets.
submitted by the candidate or their team
I hit hard and I brake fast.
I have pounded the bush and walked up and down Young Street.
I am a home body now, satisfied with who I am and where I am.
I am They Them Al to you the voter.
I have pounded the bush and walked up and down Young Street.
I am a home body now, satisfied with who I am and where I am.
I am They Them Al to you the voter.
Reason for running
submitted by the candidate or their team
Help to educate all of the delusional denier choose to be ignorant racist bigots. Share information not on the internet. Stop pressing buttons. Raise your taxes and reduce your benefits. Expand government control over your lives because you need it. Wake up and smell the woke