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Brigitte Sugrue

Freedom, faith & family. The Ontario Party focuses on combining these three components with the needs of our communities, businesses and families.

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Brigitte Sugrue's promises

Putting money back in the pockets of parents who choose alternate education options for their children, allowing them to remain in the home.

Food costs

Brigitte Sugrue's promise

We will reduce PST by 3% to assist in making everyday needs and general affordability easier for Ontarians.

Fuel and transportation costs

Brigitte Sugrue's promise

Eliminate the PST on gasoline and diesel while the price is at elevated levels

Post-secondary costs and loans

Brigitte Sugrue's promises

Lower the cost of tuition for those post-secondary programs leading to careers with the most labour demand
Remove most, or all, of provincial subsidization for post-secondary programs for which labour market demand is low.
Make it virtually free for qualified applicants to train in the skilled trades.


Brigitte Sugrue's promise

We will eliminate income tax for people under 30, making less than $200,000 per year

Public transit

Brigitte Sugrue's promise

Eliminate the PST on gasoline and diesel while the price is at elevated levels

Seniors' benefits

Brigitte Sugrue's promise

We will reduce the propoerty tax for seniors by 65%

Tax measures and rebates

Brigitte Sugrue's promises

We will reduce the propoerty tax for seniors by 65%
We will eliminate income tax for people under 30, making less than $200,000 per year

Utility costs

Brigitte Sugrue's promises

Eliminate the provincial carbon tax and the industrial carbon tax, and seek to challenge the federal carbon tax
Develop a strategic oil reserve to cushion consumers during supply shocks and bolster demand in times of crisis
Partner with western provinces to push for an energy corridor between Ontario and Alberta.

Climate Change & the Environment

Climate adaptation

Brigitte Sugrue's promises

Support right-to-repair laws to keep appliances and equipment out of landfills.
Provide municipalities with funding to upgrade sewage treatment to make this a reality
Focus on cleaning garbage out of our forests, lakes, and rivers.
Pass legislation to further protect the Green Belt in order to restrain urban sprawl from encroaching on agricultural land.
Completely ban the dumping of untreated waste into bodies of water - currently to the tune of billions of liters per year in Canada
Direct conservation authorities away from private property and towards the management of public crown land.
Create more connections between green spaces across Ontario
Find environmentally friendly pest control solutions that reduce reliance on pesticides and airborne spraying

Conservation and environmental protection

Brigitte Sugrue's promises

Focus on cleaning garbage out of our forests, lakes, and rivers.
Direct conservation authorities away from private property and towards the management of public crown land.
Support right-to-repair laws to keep appliances and equipment out of landfills.


Brigitte Sugrue's promise

Implement the Ontario Sovereignty Act to avoid federal over reach

Electric vehicles

Brigitte Sugrue's promise

We believe in the freedom of people to choose their own vehicles

Forestry and forest conservation

Brigitte Sugrue's promise

Focus on cleaning garbage out of our forests, lakes, and rivers.

Oil and gas

Brigitte Sugrue's promise

Partner with western provinces to push for an energy corridor between Ontario and Alberta.

Public transit

Brigitte Sugrue's promise

Eliminate the PST on gasoline and diesel while the price is at elevated levels



Brigitte Sugrue's promises

Putting money back in the pockets of parents who choose alternate education options for their children, allowing them to remain in the home.

Post-secondary costs and loans

Brigitte Sugrue's promises

Lower the cost of tuition for those post-secondary programs leading to careers with the most labour demand
Remove most, or all, of provincial subsidization for post-secondary programs for which labour market demand is low.
Make it virtually free for qualified applicants to train in the skilled trades.

Jobs, Businesses, & Labour

Forestry and forest conservation

Brigitte Sugrue's promise

Focus on cleaning garbage out of our forests, lakes, and rivers.


Brigitte Sugrue's promise

We will eliminate income tax for people under 30, making less than $200,000 per year

Transportation & Transit

Fuel and transportation costs

Brigitte Sugrue's promise

Eliminate the PST on gasoline and diesel while the price is at elevated levels

Public transit

Brigitte Sugrue's promise

Eliminate the PST on gasoline and diesel while the price is at elevated levels


submitted by the candidate or their team
Ontario Party candidate for SD&G. Bringing freedom back to Ontarians. We've watched for far too long as the Ontario we once knew as prosperous & bountiful has faced struggles we could once only have imagined. It ends with us.


Let me introduce myself. My name is Brigitte Sugrue and I am proud to be your Ontario Party candidate for Stormont - Dundas - South Glengarry. Just like you, I'm ready for a change. We've watched for far too long as the Ontario we once knew as prosperous, bountiful and one of the most beautiful places to live in our great nation, has faced struggles we could once only have imagined. It ends with you and I.

Since I am a new face to the Ontario Party, let me tell you bit about myself.

I am a born again Christian, and am incredibly excited to be bringing traditional Christian values to the face of politics. These building blocks are the foundation on which I have built my platform; love, integrity, justice and compassion, for without these, we are lost.

I am happily married to an amazing man who uplifts me, challenges me to do things I never thought possible and who stands behind me in all of my wild and outrageous endeavours.

I work for a local family-owned and operated construction company and donate my free time to various non-profits. These organizations have become a monument in my own core morals and values and have allowed me to become more involved in our amazing community. Some of these organizations include Eat to Feed (Dixons Corners), Outpost Café (Prescott), Beacon Bags (local Human Trafficking Awareness) as well as Kings Kitchen (Prescott) and Youth Night (Prescott). Prior to finding these, I had donated much of my time to No More Lockdowns and the Freedom Convoy of 2022.

Now, more about the party. The Ontario Party is committed to fighting for our rights as Ontarians - a province where we have freedom of choice, freedom of speech, and the freedom to live our lives as God intended. It has become a far cry from this over the last several years and we are determined to make this right. But we need your help. Let's make every day count!

We need and deserve:

· An Ontario where our businesses, our families and our communities can thrive - not only special interest groups.

· An Ontario with free speech, medical choice, and our God given rights to personal freedom.

· An Ontario that is affordable and for the people - not bureaucrats, elites and politicians with their own agendas.

In the name of freedom, and as one under God, we are working towards a brighter Ontario and we want you to be a part of this movement.

Let's get the bureaucratic hands out of Ontarians’ pockets - lets work together to create an Ontario we can all be proud to call home!

Here's how you can get involved:

· Donate to my campaign – As a third party, donations are critical to our success. Every dollar, every donation - no matter how small - makes a BIG impact!

· Volunteer – Join our team to make a real difference.

· Connect with me directly – Please reach out by email - I want to hear your ideas and goals for a better Ontario!

Our communities, local businesses, families and our futures depend on this.

Blessings to you and yours,

-Brigitte Sugrue

Ontario Party Candidate

Stormont – Dundas – South Glengarry

(613) 315-2535

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