Reduce Cost Of Living is by far the number one issue for Ontario voters
Provide Tax Relief by cutting Ontario’s HST from 13% to 10% with long term objective of scrapping the HST entirely.
Axe the Carbon Tax including the federal Liberal government’s carbon tax and the Ontario PC government’s industrial carbon tax and carbon pricing system.
Reduce Housing Costs by increasing housing supply, by supporting legislation that provides a direct route to evict tenants within 30 days of not paying rent and causing property damage. This will bring back the small landlords and attract new ones offering long-term rental housing.
Scrap the Political Party Subsidies of $100 million to political parties.
Rebuild Healthcare:We can all agree that our healthcare system is broken. Here are some policies that the New Blue Party supports to improve healthcare in Ontario:
Rehire The Nurses and healthcare workers fired as a result of COVID-19 mandates.
Clearing the backlog of procedures by offering choice in healthcare services including private healthcare options.
End COVID-19 Mandates That Still Exist in Ontario in hospitals, as well as other healthcare sector workplaces, public sector workplaces, private sector workplaces, and post-secondary educational institutions.
Reallocate Funding to Healthcare from government funded "green" and "climate change" initiatives, administrative costs in the education system, and corporate subsidies.
Restore Democracy:We are in dire straights for governance. The voices of men and women living in Ontario are silenced by bureaucrats. The New Blue Party will restore Democracy with an Ontario Bill of Rights: The New Blue Party supports the creation of an Ontario Bill of Rights, similar to the 1960 Canadian Bill of Rights.
Manually Count Votes of Eligible Voters to keep elections transparent, free from foreign influence, and fair by requiring voters to present valid voter ID prior to voting and by counting ballots manually.
My name is Dave Brunelle, and I’m 6th-generation from Simcoe North, raised and currently live in Lafontaine, in the Township of Tiny. I’m a husband, a father to three men in their 30’s, and a grandfather to a 3 ½ yr old boy.
I’m a graduate of Wilfrid Laurier University, with a major in Economics. I have 40 years experience in various industries, including construction and hospitality, 30 years of community coaching, and 20 years being a small landlord, all of this in the North Simcoe area. Over the past two and a half years, I’ve been representing the residents of Tiny as a member of council, as well as sitting on various committees.
The reason why I’m running is, like many residents of the Simcoe North riding, I became increasingly frustrated with our current government’s fiscal irresponsibility, lack of integrity, disregard for accountability, and government policies driven by unelected bureaucrats, lobbyists and special interest groups. It’s time for a change in how we do politics. I am committed to bringing about that change.
In its first election in 2022, the New Blue Party became Ontario’s fifth largest political party! Since that election, there has been 7 by-elections, and the New Blue Party garnered more votes than the Green Party in 4 of them. And as of today, the New Blue Party has candidates in 108 of the 124 provincial ridings in this election.
When it comes down to tariff threats, instead of calling an election a year and a half earlier than needed to have a stronger provincial mandate, and getting into a trade war with the U.S. that we’re not going to win, we need a provincial government focusing their efforts to de-escalate tensions between our two countries, work together on shared goals, and find common ground to restore our mutually beneficial relationship. And to also work with our federal government to secure our border to curb the influx of fentanyl and un-documented migrants.
The people of Ontario are sick and tired of the usual election rhetoric from the four established parties telling people what they want to hear during an election, not doing what they said they were going to do once elected, and spending their way out of problems to stay elected, which we all know leads to higher taxes.
The New Blue Party of Ontario was formed to offer the solutions necessary to ensure our province’s future is one of hope, opportunity, and prosperity, by renewing accountability, promoting meritocracy, providing tax relief and growing Ontario’s economy.