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This is a page from the 2024 New Brunswick general election.
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How to vote in the 2024 New Brunswick general election

How to vote in the 2024 New Brunswick general election

  1. We'll walk you through things, step-by-step. Make sure to fill out everything you can!
  2. Then, we'll draw up your full plan to vote. You can print it, save it as a PDF, or have us send you a reminder text!
Ready to go?
Get started
Your notes and box-ticking stay on your device.
Not in Belle-Baie-Belledune? Change district.

Can you vote?

Check all the boxes that apply to you:

You can vote in the Belle-Baie-Belledune election!

Are you registered to vote?

If you're not registered, don't remember registering, or are registered at an old address, you can still register at the polls.

When and where will you vote?

Voting is over for this election. The options below are no longer available and are here only for demonstration purposes.

At advance polls

Sat, Oct 12 (10am-8pm)
Tue, Oct 15 (10am-8pm)
Show details about advance polls
You can vote on any of these days:
Sat, Oct 12, 10am - 8pm
Tue, Oct 15, 10am - 8pm
Plan a time to vote:


Step 1: Use Elections NB's electoral district search engine to find your advance polling place:
Elections NB's search engine
Step 2: Come back here and make a note of your polling place:
Royal Canadian Legion Durham Branch 77
3843 rue Main St, Belledune
Club de l'age d'or de Pointe-Verte
375 rue Principale St Unit(e) 503, Pointe-Verte
Club d’Âge d’Or de Petit-Rocher
609 rue Principale St, Petit-Rocher
Centre Raoul Charest
585 rue Principale St, Beresford
Club d'Âge d'Or de Robertville Inc.
2057 Route 322 , Robertville

By mail-in-ballot


On request, Elections NB can mail you a special ballot. When you receive your ballot, you can fill it out at home, then mail or drop it off at your local Elections NB returning office.

Your ballot must be received by Oct 21 at 8:00pm.

On election day, Oct 21

At your designated polling place
When: Monday, October 21, from 8am to 8pm
Step 1: Use Elections NB's electoral district search engine to find your polling place for election day, or call 1-888-858-8683:
Elections NB's search engine  
Step 2: Come back here and make a note of your polling place:
Royal Canadian Legion Durham Branch 77
3843 rue Main St, Belledune
Club de l'age d'or de Pointe-Verte
375 rue Principale St Unit(e) 503, Pointe-Verte
Centre communautaire Madran
185 ch du Centre Rd, Madran
Club d’Âge d’Or de Petit-Rocher
609 rue Principale St, Petit-Rocher
Centre Raoul Charest
585 rue Principale St, Beresford
Club d'Âge d'Or de Robertville Inc.
2057 Route 322 , Robertville
Centre communautaire d'Alcida
1368 ch Alcida Rd, Alcida
Plan a time to vote:

Other options for voting

Show details about other voting options

Vote at home: If you are home-bound due to illness or incapacity (or the illness or incapacity of someone in your care) you can contact your local returning office and request a visit from special voting officers. These visits must be scheduled in advance.

Vote on campus: Find out more about voting on campus.

Who are you voting for?

We'll help you decide with 3 easy steps!

Step 1: Compare the party platforms

Step 2: Review the candidate profiles

Step 3: Come back here and choose your pick

Need another look at your options?

Rachel Boudreau
Ty Boulay
Marco LeBlanc
Louis Robichaud

Your pick for MLA

Add a candidate from the list above. Your pick stays on your device.
Your choice

Are your friends voting?

Help spread a little democracy! Do one of the following:

Why we're asking you to spread the word

If we want to keep our democracy, we have to use it. And all most people need to go out and vote is a little push from a friend!

Your plan to vote




What to bring

If you're registered to vote:

If your name and address have NOT changed since you registered or last voted in a provincial election, you don't need ID to vote.

One or more pieces of ID that, between them, show your name, current address, and signature.

Be on the safe side: Bring extra ID if you can.
Examples of acceptable ID
Show examples of acceptable ID
  • ID with all three requirements:
    • Your New Brunswick driver's license
  • Other options include:
    • Lease agreements
    • Utility bills
    • Student IDs
    • Medicare Card
    • Certificate of Indian Status
    • A friend who's already registered to vote who will take an oath to vouch for you

Your pick for MLA

Rachel Boudreau Green Party of New Brunswick
Ty Boulay New Brunswick New Democratic Party
Marco LeBlanc Liberal Party of New Brunswick
Louis Robichaud Progressive Conservative Party of New Brunswick

Pledge to vote and get a reminder text

Update your reminder text

Your reminder text is scheduled. Would you like to update it?
By signing this form, you consent to being contacted by email and phone from New Majority.
We've sent you a text to confirm. What's the number in it?
Thank you for being a voter! We're excited to see you at the polls.
Your reminder is all set up!

Keep a copy of your plan

Lending your phone to a friend so they can fill out the guide? Reset your box-ticking and shortlist.