Green's promises
"With the support of federal funding, create 3,400 new child care spaces in both urban and rural areas while ensuring fair and equitable funding for Francophone centres." — Election Platform 2024, retrieved 2024-10-12
"Improve recruitment and retention of early childcare educators by increasing wages and benefits and achieve pay equity." — Election Platform 2024, retrieved 2024-10-12
Fuel and transportation costs
Green's promise
"End the Higgs gas tax that forces consumers to pay what the big polluters in NB should be paying." — Election Platform 2024, retrieved 2024-10-12
Green's promises
"Increase funding for public universities and community colleges through stable, multi-year financing to reduce tuition fees." — Election Platform 2024, retrieved 2024-10-12
"Create a New Brunswick Debt Relief Program to forgive outstanding provincial student loan debt at a rate of up to 20% per year for up to five years." — Election Platform 2024, retrieved 2024-10-12
"Raise the family income threshold for the Tuition Bursary to $100,000 with a long-term goal of achieving free tuition." — Election Platform 2024, retrieved 2024-10-12
Poverty and the minimum wage
Green's promises
"Develop and implement a Guaranteed Liveable Income program in collaboration with the federal government to eliminate deep poverty." — Election Platform 2024, retrieved 2024-10-12
"Immediately raise social assistance rates of all categories and adjust them accordingly every following year until a Guaranteed Livable Income is in place." — Election Platform 2024, retrieved 2024-10-12
Public transit
Green's promises
"Support the expansion of city transit and public transportation, including commuter rail and bus routes, to reduce energy consumption and transportation costs." — Election Platform 2024, retrieved 2024-10-12
"Support the expansion of bus service between and within regions and contribute to operational and marketing costs of city transit services to enhance convenience, accessibility, and reduce carbon emissions." — Election Platform 2024, retrieved 2024-10-12
Climate Change & the Environment
Air quality
Green's promises
"Protect students, long-term care residents and patients at hospitals by creating an Indoor Air Quality Act for provincially funded buildings." — Election Platform 2024, retrieved 2024-10-12
"Develop a province-wide radon testing action plan, ensuring that homeowners with an annual combined gross household income under $100,000 are eligible for funding for radon gas remediation." — Election Platform 2024, retrieved 2024-10-12
Carbon pricing
Green's promise
"Replace the consumer carbon tax with a cap and trade pricing system that will shift the carbon tax burden to the biggest polluters, to ensure they pay their fair share." — Election Platform 2024, retrieved 2024-10-12
Climate adaptation
Green's promises
"Create a Climate Change Risk Reduction Fund to make the infrastructure investments required to safeguard vulnerable communities from flooding, coastal erosion, and violent weather." — Election Platform 2024, retrieved 2024-10-12
"Improve cell phone and internet coverage across New Brunswick to ensure timely, life-saving information is accessible during floods, fires, and severe weather." — Election Platform 2024, retrieved 2024-10-12
"Work with affected communities, Nova Scotia, and the federal government to ensure the potential negative impacts from storm surges and flooding within the Chignecto Isthmus are addressed, and work is appropriately funded to safeguard the communities, their economies, and the essential Canadian transportation link." — Election Platform 2024, retrieved 2024-10-12
"Establish a Coastal Protection Authority to coordinate efforts to protect communities and infrastructure along New Brunswick’s 2,250 km of coastline." — Election Platform 2024, retrieved 2024-10-12
Green's promises
"Develop an action plan with conservation groups, local governments and First Nations to ensure that at least 30% of the province is permanently protected by 2030." — Election Platform 2024, retrieved 2024-10-12
"Enable community-based management of Crown land, in partnership with First Nations, by allocating access to Crown land to adjacent communities for economic and social purposes." — Election Platform 2024, retrieved 2024-10-12
"Negotiate a new framework for Crown lands management with First Nations, recognizing that the use of this land is governed by the Peace and Friendship Treaties, and it has never been ceded or surrendered." — Election Platform 2024, retrieved 2024-10-12
"Implement a strategy to diversify the production of wood products from tree species expected to thrive in a rapidly warming climate." — Election Platform 2024, retrieved 2024-10-12
Green construction and retrofits
Green's promises
"Provide zero-interest financing to retrofit homes, small rental properties, and small businesses to reduce energy consumption, cut heating costs, and install solar power." — Election Platform 2024, retrieved 2024-10-12
"Raise the household income threshold for the Enhanced Energy Savings Program from $70,000 to $100,000 to increase the number of households eligible for free energy retrofits and heat pumps."
Inter-city transportation
Green's promises
"Establish a Provincial Rapid Rail Network utilizing existing rail infrastructure to connect cities and regions within New Brunswick and neighbouring provinces." — Election Platform 2024, retrieved 2024-10-12
Oil and gas industry
Green's promise
Green's promise
"Adopt legislation to guarantee New Brunswickers have the right to a healthy environment, covering all aspects of environmental protection, including clean air, water, soil, biodiversity, and the prevention of pollution and climate- related hazards." — Election Platform 2024, retrieved 2024-10-12
Power generation
Green's promises
"Transform our electricity system to be 80% powered by renewable energy, supported by energy storage systems and a Smart Grid, by 2035." — Election Platform 2024, retrieved 2024-10-12
"Enable municipalities and First Nation communities to power their operations with renewable energy by allowing them to use NB Power’s distribution lines." — Election Platform 2024, retrieved 2024-10-12
"Cancel the power subsidies to pulp mills and use the savings to provide low-income individuals and families with monthly rebates on their power bills to offset electricity rate increases." — Election Platform 2024, retrieved 2024-10-12
"Eliminate the red tape that prevents home and property owners from readily accessing community-based and rooftop solar power." — Election Platform 2024, retrieved 2024-10-12
"Allocate the best wind energy sites in New Brunswick to public power developments that replace fossil fuel generation, ensuring that private companies do not monopolize these locations for hydrogen production." — Election Platform 2024, retrieved 2024-10-12
Public transit
Green's promises
"Support the expansion of city transit and public transportation, including commuter rail and bus routes, to reduce energy consumption and transportation costs." — Election Platform 2024, retrieved 2024-10-12
"Support the expansion of bus service between and within regions and contribute to operational and marketing costs of city transit services to enhance convenience, accessibility, and reduce carbon emissions." — Election Platform 2024, retrieved 2024-10-12
Reducing greenhouse gas emissions
Green's promise
"Expand the electric school bus fleet and provide at-home chargers for rural bus drivers, like PEI has done." — Election Platform 2024, retrieved 2024-10-12
Walkable, bikable communities
Green's promise
"Allocate funds for infrastructure to link active transportation routes and trails across highways and watercourses and across communities." — Election Platform 2024, retrieved 2024-10-12
K-12 learning needs
Green's promises
"Require school districts to track rates of absenteeism in order to identify the schools in which problems exist so the problem can be addressed." — Election Platform 2024, retrieved 2024-10-12
K-12 staffing
Green's promise
"Collaborate with unions to implement a retention and recruitment strategy for school staff, encompassing teachers, school bus drivers, custodians, education assistants, and mechanics, among others." — Election Platform 2024, retrieved 2024-10-12
LGBTQ students
Green's promise
Green's promises
"Increase funding for public universities and community colleges through stable, multi-year financing to reduce tuition fees." — Election Platform 2024, retrieved 2024-10-12
"Create a New Brunswick Debt Relief Program to forgive outstanding provincial student loan debt at a rate of up to 20% per year for up to five years." — Election Platform 2024, retrieved 2024-10-12
"Raise the family income threshold for the Tuition Bursary to $100,000 with a long-term goal of achieving free tuition." — Election Platform 2024, retrieved 2024-10-12
School communities
Green's promises
"Decentralize decision making in education by strengthening district education councils and reducing the size of school districts." — Election Platform 2024, retrieved 2024-10-12
"Ensure that Regional Health Authority boards and District Education Councils are accountable to the public through elected members." — Election Platform 2024, retrieved 2024-10-12
School curriculum
Green's promise
"Incorporate a comprehensive media literacy program into the school curriculum to develop skills in accessing, understanding, analyzing, and evaluating information." — Election Platform 2024, retrieved 2024-10-12
School nutrition
Green's promise
Student mental health
Green's promise
"Support teachers and guidance counsellors in addressing mental health and behavioural issues by embedding support teams in schools." — Election Platform 2024, retrieved 2024-10-12
Air quality
Green's promises
"Protect students, long-term care residents and patients at hospitals by creating an Indoor Air Quality Act for provincially funded buildings." — Election Platform 2024, retrieved 2024-10-12
"Develop a province-wide radon testing action plan, ensuring that homeowners with an annual combined gross household income under $100,000 are eligible for funding for radon gas remediation." — Election Platform 2024, retrieved 2024-10-12
Drugs and addiction
Green's promises
"Establish new residential rehabilitation facilities to meet the demand for treatment of addictions." — Election Platform 2024, retrieved 2024-10-12
Family doctors and primary care
Green's promises
"Give every New Brunswicker a permanent health care team in their community, by enhancing doctors’ practices with properly funded collaborative team-based family practices and expanding community health centres, including a funding model for nurse practitioners and other health professionals." — Election Platform 2024, retrieved 2024-10-12
"Ensure primary care providers have adequate administrative support to free them from time-consuming paperwork so they can see more patients." — Election Platform 2024, retrieved 2024-10-12
Gender-affirming care
Green's promise
"Support specialized training and establish dedicated roles to enhance transgender healthcare." — Election Platform 2024, retrieved 2024-10-12
Health administration
Green's promises
"Make Public Health New Brunswick an arms length body, directed by the Chief Medical Officer of Health, so it can effectively keep New Brunswickers healthy." — Election Platform 2024, retrieved 2024-10-12
"Decentralize the management of hospitals and clinics by establishing locally elected community health boards that can determine services based on community needs and expectations." — Election Platform 2024, retrieved 2024-10-12
"Enhance hospital care by restoring the authority of local hospital administrators to manage emergency and acute care services." — Election Platform 2024, retrieved 2024-10-12
Health coverage
Green's promises
Health staffing
Green's promises
"Retain and recruit health care professionals through competitive salaries, retention bonuses, and benefits comparable to those in Nova Scotia and PEI." — Election Platform 2024, retrieved 2024-10-12
Long-term care
Green's promises
"Cap costs for residents of special care homes, as is done in nursing homes." — Election Platform 2024, retrieved 2024-10-12
Mental health
Green's promises
Natal care
Green's promise
"Expand midwifery services across the province, building on the success of Horizon’s midwifery clinic in Fredericton." — Election Platform 2024, retrieved 2024-10-12
Neurodegenerative diseases
Green's promise
Green's promises
"Enact a Dementia Strategy to reduce the number of seniors requiring placement in long-term care, reduce the incidence of dementia, and better support those with early onset dementia." — Election Platform 2024, retrieved 2024-10-12
"Provide funding for homecare services through the Nursing Homes Without Walls program to supplement existing services." — Election Platform 2024, retrieved 2024-10-12
"To enable seniors to stay in their homes, improve home repair and renovation program." — Election Platform 2024, retrieved 2024-10-12
Sexual and reproductive health
Green's promise
Tobacco products
Green's promise
Housing & Homelessness
Affordable housing
Green's promises
"Have the NB Housing Corporation prioritize the construction of public, non-profit, and cooperative housing to expand affordable options for low and moderate-income individuals and families." — Election Platform 2024, retrieved 2024-10-12
"Adopt right of first refusal legislation to enable the New Brunswick Housing Corporation, municipal housing authorities and non-profit organizations to acquire and protect low-cost housing when it comes on the market." — Election Platform 2024, retrieved 2024-10-12
Home purchases and ownership
Green's promise
"Overhaul the property tax and assessment system to restructure property taxes and assessments so they are fair and equitable." — Election Platform 2024, retrieved 2024-10-12
Homeless services
Green's promise
"Invest in supportive housing programs that combine affordable housing with wrap-around support services to address the complex needs of vulnerable populations experiencing homelessness." — Election Platform 2024, retrieved 2024-10-12
Public housing
Green's promise
"Have the NB Housing Corporation prioritize the construction of public, non-profit, and cooperative housing to expand affordable options for low and moderate-income individuals and families." — Election Platform 2024, retrieved 2024-10-12
Rental housing
Green's promises
"Create a public rental registry for rental properties to provide information about rent and heat costs and planned renovations." — Election Platform 2024, retrieved 2024-10-12
"Expand the mandate of Residential Tenancies Officers to allow them to intervene in cases of landlords discriminating against tenants based-on race, disability, or having children or pets." — Election Platform 2024, retrieved 2024-10-12
Jobs, Businesses, & Labour
Green's promises
"Develop food import replacement strategies to increase food self-sufficiency." — Election Platform 2024, retrieved 2024-10-12
"Provide financial assistance to remove barriers to small and medium-scale food production, processing, and distribution." — Election Platform 2024, retrieved 2024-10-12
"Undertake an agricultural reform focusing on farm diversification and value-added processing in collaboration with farmers and their communities." — Election Platform 2024, retrieved 2024-10-12
"Set ambitious local procurement targets for public institutions, including hospitals, schools, universities, colleges, and long-term care homes, to prioritize locally grown and produced food." — Election Platform 2024, retrieved 2024-10-12
"Provide income insurance and extension services to support farmers transitioning to ecological and regenerative farming practices that restore soil health, capture carbon, and reduce greenhouse gases." — Election Platform 2024, retrieved 2024-10-12
Arts and culture
Green's promises
"Enact legislation to establish a professional designation for artists." — Election Platform 2024, retrieved 2024-10-12
"Provide stable, long-term funding to arts, heritage, and cultural organizations to foster New Brunswick’s talent and creativity.
Ensure stable funding for New Brunswick artists to expand their market in New Brunswick and beyond."
— Election Platform 2024, retrieved 2024-10-12
Economic development
Green's promises
"Establish a Department of Community and Rural Development with decentralized decision-making to support community-led regional development." — Election Platform 2024, retrieved 2024-10-12
"Increase the market for locally produced goods and services by setting local procurement quotas for government departments and Crown Corporations." — Election Platform 2024, retrieved 2024-10-12
Labour rights and unions
Green's promises
Pay equity
Green's promises
Poverty and the minimum wage
Green's promises
"Develop and implement a Guaranteed Liveable Income program in collaboration with the federal government to eliminate deep poverty." — Election Platform 2024, retrieved 2024-10-12
"Immediately raise social assistance rates of all categories and adjust them accordingly every following year until a Guaranteed Livable Income is in place." — Election Platform 2024, retrieved 2024-10-12
Startups and small businesses
Green's promise
Green's promises
"Invest in infrastructure to promote nature, history and cultural tourism, including a provincial network for interpreting natural protected areas and historically and culturally significant sites." — Election Platform 2024, retrieved 2024-10-12
"Develop a comprehensive Heritage Plan that prioritizes the preservation and celebration of New Brunswick’s rich historical and cultural assets such as covered bridges and lighthouses." — Election Platform 2024, retrieved 2024-10-12
"Support eco-tourism and active transportation by investing in cycling trails such as the completion of the Shore Line cycling trail between St. Stephen and Saint John and the Acadian Peninsula Veloroute." — Election Platform 2024, retrieved 2024-10-12
Youth employment
Green's promises
"Develop an ambitious youth employment strategy with the goal of reducing the number of young New Brunswickers who are neither employed or enrolled in education or training programs from 18% to 10%." — Election Platform 2024, retrieved 2024-10-12
"Launch the Youth Climate Corps, a new job program offering training and employment opportunities to young people to conserve land and water, support community resilience, and advance climate action and adaptation measures." — Election Platform 2024, retrieved 2024-10-12
Society & Government
Consumer protection
Green's promises
Government transparency and decision-making
Green's promises
"Provide public access to briefing papers that share the data and factual information on which proposed legislation is based." — Election Platform 2024, retrieved 2024-10-12
"Reform the Right to Information and Protection of Privacy Act to empower the Ombud to order the release of information to the public." — Election Platform 2024, retrieved 2024-10-12
"Answer requests for information from the public without automatically requiring citizens to go through the Right to Information and Protection of Privacy Act process." — Election Platform 2024, retrieved 2024-10-12
"Amend the Local Governance Act to ensure factors and objections considered in adopting by-laws are disclosed during public meetings." — Election Platform 2024, retrieved 2024-10-12
Green's promises
"Provide additional funding to boost staff capacity at the New Brunswick Refugee Clinic to assist refugee claimants and asylum seekers." — Election Platform 2024, retrieved 2024-10-12
"Obtain greater authority over immigration, including international study permits and temporary foreign workers, to respond to the specific needs of New Brunswick." — Election Platform 2024, retrieved 2024-10-12
"Support settlement associations to expand their services to integrate newcomers into their communities." — Election Platform 2024, retrieved 2024-10-12
"Ensure temporary foreign workers have access to Medicare and a pathway to permanent residency." — Election Platform 2024, retrieved 2024-10-12
Indigenous reconciliation
Green's promises
"Commission an Indigenous-led, independent public inquiry into the New Brunswick justice and policing systems to uncover systemic racism against Indigenous peoples and how to correct it." — Election Platform 2024, retrieved 2024-10-12
"Restore all place names containing racist terminology against Indigenous peoples to their original or traditional Wabanaki names, or names recommended by First Nations." — Election Platform 2024, retrieved 2024-10-12
Indigenous women, girls, and 2-spirited people
Green's promise
Justice system
Green's promises
"Commission an Indigenous-led, independent public inquiry into the New Brunswick justice and policing systems to uncover systemic racism against Indigenous peoples and how to correct it." — Election Platform 2024, retrieved 2024-10-12
"Adequately fund court services, including returning court services to rural communities, to ensure the effective functioning of the court system." — Election Platform 2024, retrieved 2024-10-12
Green's promises
"Establish a clear legal obligation on the government to ensure provincial public employees have the right to work in their preferred official language, similar to the federal government standards." — Election Platform 2024, retrieved 2024-10-12
"Create a Legislative Standing Committee on Official Languages, with the mandate to review the Official Languages Act in an open and transparent manner." — Election Platform 2024, retrieved 2024-10-12
Lobbying and political donations
Green's promise
Municipal funding and government
Green's promises
"Reform the municipal property tax structure to decouple heavy industrial property tax rates from residential rates to provide flexibility to municipalities when changing tax rates." — Election Platform 2024, retrieved 2024-10-12
"End access to government funding for companies that use offshore tax havens to avoid paying income taxes in New Brunswick."— Election Platform 2024, retrieved 2024-10-12
"Overhaul the property tax and assessment system to restructure property taxes and assessments so they are fair and equitable." — Election Platform 2024, retrieved 2024-10-12
People with disabilities
Green's promises
Public safety
Green's promises
"Properly fund community organizations working on issues related to sexual violence, intimate partner violence , and sexual harm of children, and increase funding to fill the gaps in services for survivors." — Election Platform 2024, retrieved 2024-10-12
"Commission an Indigenous-led, independent public inquiry into the New Brunswick justice and policing systems to uncover systemic racism against Indigenous peoples and how to correct it." — Election Platform 2024, retrieved 2024-10-12
"Provide funding for communities and regions to empower them to implement community policing using local police forces." — Election Platform 2024, retrieved 2024-10-12
Green's promises
"Fully implement the recommendations from the Systemic Racism Commissioner’s Final Report 2022, including commissioning an Indigenous-led, independent public inquiry into New Brunswick’s justice and policing systems to identify and correct systemic racism against Indigenous people." — Election Platform 2024, retrieved 2024-10-12
"Create a government secretariat led by a Deputy Minister empowered with overseeing the dismantling of systemic racism across government, its institutions and its Crown Corporations." — Election Platform 2024, retrieved 2024-10-12
"Equality and inclusion are fundamental to a just society. Discrimination not only denies individuals their dignity but also hinders their ability to fully participate and contribute to our communities. A Green government is dedicated to promoting equality by making the New Brunswick Human Rights Commission an independent body reporting directly to the Legislative Assembly. This crucial step will enhance transparency and accountability in addressing human rights issues. To achieve genuine equality, we must go further by actively dismantling existing barriers that prevent marginalized groups from accessing opportunities and services." — Election Platform 2024, retrieved 2024-10-12
"Commission an Indigenous-led, independent public inquiry into the New Brunswick justice and policing systems to uncover systemic racism against Indigenous peoples and how to correct it." — Election Platform 2024, retrieved 2024-10-12
Voting and democratic engagement
Green's promises
"Enact legislation to establish Citizens’ Assemblies to examine important issues and recommend actions to the Legislative Assembly." — Election Platform 2024, retrieved 2024-10-12
Under his leadership, the New Brunswick Green Party is the only provincial party to have grown its support in both the largely francophone north and largely anglophone south. In 2018, two more Green MLAs were elected; Megan Mitton representing Memramcook Tantramar and Kevin Arseneau representing Kent North. Both were re-elected in 2020. David appointed them as Deputy leaders in 2023.
His commitment to community shines through his decade-long engagement with constituents; convening town halls, and helping them solve problems - problems which inform his work in the Legislative Assembly. He has earned a reputation for getting things done for people in need.
As a parliamentarian David has had legislation passed and influenced government legislation. While still the sole Green MLA in the Legislative Assembly, his bill requiring the teaching of the history of Indigenous-settler relations in schools passed with unanimous consent. Similarly he was able to rally the entire Legislature to support the code of conduct for MLAs he proposed. In 2022, he won unanimous support for his motion to officially recognize a Day for Truth & Reconciliation in New Brunswick. In the same year he reached across party lines to see a motion pass to officially recognize Emancipation Day.
During the minority government of 2020-2022, David and his caucus were able to have the government cut interest rates on student loans, index income assistance rates to the rate of inflation, and cancel its plans to close the ERs in six rural hospitals and eliminate their acute care services.
David and his wife Janice live in the Fredericton neighbourhood of Skyline Acres. They have two daughters whom they raised in rural Charlotte County outside of St. Stephen on the 70 acre farmstead once owned by the Libbey family.
He holds a Bachelor of Science in Biology, and worked for nearly three decades with the Conservation Council of New Brunswick as an advocate, educator and collaborator with organizations representing farmers, commercial fishermen and woodlot owners.
David envisions a New Brunswick where young people are inspired to stay and newcomers are drawn by a commitment to a vibrant, sustainable future which will be achieved through collaboration, action and a government that places the well-being of people, communities, and the environment at the centre of everything it does.
David Coon, chef du Parti vert du Nouveau-Brunswick et député de Fredericton-Sud depuis 2014, est un pionnier de la politique canadienne et néo-brunswickoise.
Il a été élu trois fois par les habitants de Fredericton-Sud et brigue un quatrième mandat pour représenter les résidents de la nouvelle circonscription de Fredericton-Lincoln. Sous sa direction, le Parti vert du Nouveau-Brunswick est le seul parti provincial à avoir augmenté son soutien à la fois dans le nord, largement francophone, et dans le sud, largement anglophone. En 2018, deux autres députés verts ont été élus : Megan Mitton, qui représente Memramcook Tantramar, et Kevin Arseneau, qui représente Kent-Nord. Tous deux ont été réélus en 2020. David les a nommés chefs adjoints en 2023.
Son dévouement à la communauté se manifeste par l'engagement qu'il a pris pendant dix ans auprès de ses électeurs, en organisant des réunions publiques et en les aidant à résoudre leurs problèmes - problèmes qui inspirent son travail à l'Assemblée législative. Il a acquis la réputation de faire avancer les choses pour les personnes dans le besoin.
En tant que parlementaire, David a fait adopter des lois et a influencé la législation du gouvernement. Alors qu'il était encore le seul député vert à l'Assemblée législative, son projet de loi exigeant l'enseignement de l'histoire des relations entre les Autochtones et les colons dans les écoles a été adopté à l'unanimité. De même, il a réussi à rallier l'ensemble de l'Assemblée législative pour soutenir le code de conduite des députés qu'il avait proposé. En 2022, il a obtenu un soutien unanime pour sa motion visant à reconnaître officiellement la Journée de la vérité et de la réconciliation au Nouveau-Brunswick. La même année, il a franchi les lignes de parti pour faire adopter une motion visant à reconnaître officiellement le Jour de l'émancipation.
Pendant le gouvernement minoritaire de 2020-2022, David et son caucus ont réussi à faire en sorte que le gouvernement réduise les taux d'intérêt sur les prêts étudiants, indexe les taux d'aide au revenu sur le taux d'inflation et annule son projet de fermer les urgences de six hôpitaux ruraux et d'éliminer leurs services de soins aigus.
David et sa femme Janice vivent dans le quartier Skyline Acres de Fredericton. Ils ont deux filles qu'ils ont élevées dans le comté rural de Charlotte, à l'extérieur de St. Stephen, sur la ferme de 70 acres qui appartenait autrefois à la famille Libbey.
Titulaire d'un baccalauréat en biologie, il a travaillé pendant près de trente ans pour le Conseil de la conservation du Nouveau-Brunswick en tant que défenseur, éducateur et collaborateur avec des organisations représentant les agriculteurs, les pêcheurs commerciaux et les propriétaires de boisés.
David imagine un Nouveau-Brunswick où les jeunes sont incités à rester et où les nouveaux arrivants sont attirés par un engagement envers un avenir dynamique et durable qui sera réalisé grâce à la collaboration, à l'action et à un gouvernement qui place le bien-être des gens, des communautés et de l'environnement au centre de tout ce qu'il fait.