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George Tavares

Independent for Mississauga Mayor
This candidate hasn't added promises to VoteMate.

They may still in the future!

In the meantime, you can learn more about them on their website.


submitted by the candidate or their team
I am committed to addressing the challenges faced by the residents of our city. With my strong background in various fields, including Political Science, Indigenous Studies, Smart City Design, & Business Management, I possess the skills to tackle the issues affecting Mississauga

I know Mississauga has challenges like planning for the future and being transparent. I will work hard to overcome these challenges and make life more affordable for middle-class families. I believe in being a real leader with original ideas, not just copying others.

During my campaign, I came up with new and creative solutions for the city's problems. It's flattering that other candidates have started using some of my ideas, but it shows that my ideas are strong and unique. I want to bring positive changes to Mississauga by being transparent, accountable, and making our roads safer.

Some of my proposals include making it easier to bike and use public transportation together, improving how we report and fix things in the city, and finding ways to make housing more accessible for everyone.

You can visit my website,, to share your ideas and dreams for Mississauga.

I believe that by working together, we can make our city even better.

Reason for running

submitted by the candidate or their team
I am running for Mayor because I am passionate about improving Mississauga's communication, inclusivity, & accessibility for all residents. I believe that by fostering a culture of open communication we can build a city that reflects the needs of its people.

My commitment to fostering dialogue and engagement will enable us to collectively shape a better future for Mississauga.

I recognize the challenges that our city faces in terms of housing affordability, crime, transportation, and infrastructure. By actively involving residents in the decision-making process, I aim to address these issues head-on and ensure that Mississauga continues to grow and prosper in an inclusive and sustainable way.

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